Pelosi sees the clock ticking and has to ditch Biden to stay in power – IOTW Report

Pelosi sees the clock ticking and has to ditch Biden to stay in power

American Thinker:

By Barry Shaw

Vice President Kamala Harris has flown to Singapore and Vietnam.

She must consider there are no pressing issues at home. No border crisis with crime gangs, drugs, and a new raging Covid variant flooding her country. No exploding crime waves. No skyrocketing homicides due to her support for defunding the police and bailing out violent criminals. No Afghan disaster. Harris is not capable of helping the President with any of these major problems.

So, she escapes these high-priority crises to escape to tiny peaceful Singapore until the publicity peak of these political and military disasters blows over.

The US Vice President fled the scene.

Why did Harris choose this moment to scarper? Was it planned? Did Nancy Pelosi have a hand in it? more

h/t NAAC

17 Comments on Pelosi sees the clock ticking and has to ditch Biden to stay in power

  1. How long can this clown show go on. Not only did the dumb bastards not tell our people to get out, they forgot to tell our allies what was going down. Now they’re trying to save their citizens too. Not to mention we handed the Taliban enough aircraft to be the 25th largest air force in the world. Not to mention all the ammo and hand held weapons. You can certainly see why they wanted to castrate our military. I’m praying theirs enough left of our military to step in and do something about this. Libtards better take a hard look at this. Social media is full of “Gee, just imagine how much worse thing would be if Trump were in office right now”. How fucking stupid do they think people are. Damn this sucks.

  2. ^^^” This evil woman’s demise will be well celebrated.” No there will be much wailing and bawling in the press and BOTH Houses of Congress. She will be enshrined forever as a great WOMAN LEADER who always fought for the poor and downtrodden. Only we will know the truth and it will die with us if we let it.

  3. I guess Nancy knows they can’t steal enough elections to pull the election out of the garbage can for the Dems next year.

    However, do they really think that Kamala will be any better? It’s not as though Joe is in charge now, and it is not as though Kamala will be in charge after Joe’s is removed. It will be the same puppet masters who are running things now., so how will things get any better?

    Unless Kamala surprises everyone by being a strong, capable leader, won’t most Americans be angry at the Dems for foisting a doddering old fool on us to begin with — especially with all of the state audits of last November’s election going on.

    …although Friday was four days ago and I am still waiting to see the bombshell from Arizona.

  4. …a Harris presidency isn’t the endgame.

    It’s like this;
    1) Get rid of Joe, probably in a false flag operation around the anniversary of 9.11, now that they have made it VERY credible to believe that ANY veteran whos been to or knows someone who’s been to Afganistan would be angry at him, as a pretext for a gun grab that is necessary for the coming Constitutional crisis.

    Which is…

    1) Have Harris disqualified from taking office because she does NOT meet the “Natural Born Citizen” qualification in the Constituion. True, they set this aside for Barky, but the Dems WILL use the Constituion when it suits them, and this is one of those times.

    …which results in:

    3) President Pelosi. They will let her believe she’s the end game, but in fact they are bringing HER in becuase they know that she will be vindictive and savage, suspend habeus corpus, arrest, execute, sieze, and run roughshod over the entire nation to suit her paranoid fantasies and thirst for power, which they will allow for a time for a couple of reasons. One, it weakens and divides the United States, making it not even a cohesive nation anymore, just one barely held together by force and bloodshed.

    Two, it allows them to bring in…

    4) “The messiah”. I’m not entirely sure who “the messiah” (Small “m”) will be, but you can be SURE it will be the Antichrist. This person will be presented as someone who is shocked, SHOCKED, and the excesses of Pelosi’s violently evil run, and will promise to heal the land and reunite the nation, fold it back into the Family of Man, maybe even execute Nancy now that her purpose is served.

    After that, it’s straight up Book of Revelation (“Apocalypse” to my Catholic freinds). Watch the Eastern sky, because it isn’t gonna get any better until you hear a shout from it, and it’s going to be EXTREMELY nasty in the mean time…

  5. My tinfoil hat theory:

    Because the shit storm in Afghanistan is nowhere near it’s apex, SOMEONE in the ‘Rat party decides it’s time to cut their losses and orders DOJ to accept that there were shenanigans during the elections. The election is reversed (with the blessing of SCOTUS) and DJT is returned to the White House to clean up the mess and any deaths are pinned on the gutless Republicans (I’m looking at YOU, Lindsey Graham!)

    This insane scenario effectively removes President Puddingcup and Harris the Heiress (they keep their hands clean), plus Nancy still maintains her position (maybe/maybe not – outlook is unclear) and Mike Pence (the traitor) returns as veep where he can keep an eye on Trump.

    It makes as much sense as anything else I have read plus it has the escape clause for the media to return to hating the White House and the crazy-assed libs can continue their vitriolic hatred of anything American with a clear conscience.

  6. “Dead superpower walking.” -wins the Internet of the day.

    It’s accurate. Imagine the panic in the Deep State when they realize they’re game is up and the country is crapped.

    I’ll be waiting…

  7. RadioMattM:
    I hope and pray that you’re right about the upcoming elections, but I have my doubts. My prediction is that the commies will pick up 5 senate seats, and at least 50 house seats. They stole the 2020 election, and nothing is happening to them over that. Why would they ever go back to honest elections. They’ve figured it out.

  8. Nco77 : I hear what you are saying. However, to steal the White House they only had to commit fraud in a limited number of,places. To pick up 50 House seats, they have to steal 50 elections. I don’t know that they have the capability to do that. Stealing the Senate seats may be a little easier, but still not as easy as stealing the Presidency.

    Also keep in mind that Biden’s handlers have made such a fustercluck of things that Dems are going to be so far in the hole (except for diehard areas) that if they do steal those races they may as well put up a neon sign saying “We Cheated.”

    While I am hopeful that is the case, I also still believe in Santa Claus.

  9. @Sndǝɹuᴉƃɥʇsɥɐpǝ: “…they set this aside for Barky”
    they argued he was egit because of his mother being a US citizen. veep throat doesn’t have that advantage, so you could be right. Thy won’t do anything to tarnish hussein.
    ” “The messiah”. I’m not entirely sure who “the messiah” (Small “m”) will be, but you can be SURE it will be the Antichrist.”
    Its gotta be hunter. The son of satan.
    wouldn’t surprise me a bit

  10. the linked article say they want to portray harris as “An untouched virgin woke warrior riding in to save America.

    she sucks male politician’s penises for her own poletical gain.
    (see- I was PC with that. I said ‘male penises.’ Nothing wrong with that, huh? Bet they’d even allow such a PC statement on fakebook)

  11. At some point, Brad, we need to realize there’s only US – no one is going to save us but US.
    Have you noticed with Covid and social media censorship, they’re doing everything they can to prevent any plans for a united counterattack?
    We’re at WAR, man; realize it.

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