Pelosi shoots off her mouth about impeachment, blows chance for gun control – IOTW Report

Pelosi shoots off her mouth about impeachment, blows chance for gun control

She doesn’t know which fringe group takes priority anymore.


Impeachment Inquiry Stalls Gun Control Talks, Senate Staffers Say

Three Senate sources told the Washington Free Beacon that the House’s impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump has stalled efforts to pass new gun control laws.

“Hard to imagine Trump doing a signing ceremony of anything with Speaker Pelosi at his side, and Democrats are the only ones agitating for gun control,” one staffer told the Free Beacon on Wednesday.

The inquiry, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.) officially labeled an impeachment investigation, will consume Washington for the weeks and months ahead, according to the sources. They also said it will be difficult to move key legislative priorities like a reworked North American trade deal and lowering the cost of prescription drugs, not to mention a passable gun control package.

“I think the impeachment stuff sucks up all the oxygen,” a second Senate staffer told the Free Beacon.

A third Senate staffer said gun control was something that wouldn’t be on the front burner at least “for a while” and that some staffers had already begun preparing for how to handle impeachment proceedings should they come.

“Policy and legal staffers got quick reminders in impeachment procedures yesterday but that doesn’t mean anything,” the staffer told the Free Beacon. “It’s more like, ‘well, if it happens, we better be ready.'”

Gun control activists and members of the media have applied immense public pressure to pass new gun control measures in the wake of mass shootings last month in Texas and Ohio. However, while polling has shown support for some of the measures pursued by gun control advocates, that support has declined even in polls taken shortly after the shootings. KEEP READING

24 Comments on Pelosi shoots off her mouth about impeachment, blows chance for gun control

  1. ” …… and Democrats are the only ones agitating for gun control ……”

    The Trump needs to just back off of the issue entirely and keep his promise to protect the Second Amendment.

    I voted for Trump on two issues only, Gun control and the Supreme Court. both equally important to me. Violate either of them and loose my support.

  2. …Nancy, Nancy, Nancy…You needed to take the guns FIRST! THESE THINGS ARE RELATED!

    …NOW, darling, if you DO “Succeed” in removing or harming the President of the United States, you’ll GET those weapons, all right, but I DON’T think you’ll like the way they’ll be PRESENTED…


  4. The irony in the wording of your title, MJA, does not go unnoticed!

    Re-write attempt using the same words:

    “Pelosi blows. Gun shoots off her mouth. Control for impeachment about chance.”

  5. CFP has two reports showing women at the gun control hearing saying hell no to gun control. One, a cop says she will not comply with an assault weapons ban. The other points out defensive use of ARs and how they’re no different mechanically from other guns. (I no longer provide links as anons get no respect here.)

  6. Back in the ‘70’s, a San Francisco radio station was owned by a guy who would do editorials from time to time. Being in SF and being gay, I would guess that he was liberal.

    After Ford pardoned Nixon, liberals we’re pretty angry to say the least. The radio station owner took a more pragmatic approach. He approved the idea because with the pardon, Congress would actually have to do what they were sent there to do instead of spending all their time chasing Nixon.

    The same thing is happening now. I don’t think there is any reason to impeach Trump, but Congress really is not getting much else done. As I mentioned in another thread, the Dems have been saying since Trump was inaugurated that they had the evidence to impeach him, but now with this Ukraine phone call they are saying “Aha, now we have the evidence to impeach him.” Either they did all along or they have been blowing smoke. I have no doubt as to which it is.

    This will blow up on them, as it usually does, but they will keep this witch hunt going and something else will come along to make the Dems say “Aha.” Then that will blow up on them. Rinse and repeat.

  7. “I think the impeachment stuff sucks up all the oxygen,” a second Senate staffer told the Free Beacon.

    Oxygen is secondary. First, the “impeachment stuff” sucks up all the fertilizer, especially the composted manure.

    “But Mr. Creosote – it’s just one more tiny cow flop.”

  8. PDT is taking one for the team again. We need to really be behind him. Wish the pussy Republicans in Congress would man up. Trump needs to know he needs to veto any gun control legislation from the dem scum.


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