Pelosi struggles to form sentences, calls Mueller “Mother” – IOTW Report

Pelosi struggles to form sentences, calls Mueller “Mother”

“Well, it— first of all, what, what does mother— where does Mueller take that. Uh, but his, uh, his, uh, burden of proof is different than what it would be in the Congress of the United States and people should know that— that he has, uh, and maybe, uh, he could go to a criminal investigation of some of the people he’s investigating,”

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14 Comments on Pelosi struggles to form sentences, calls Mueller “Mother”


    Face: Ask the person to smile. Sagging?
    Arms: Raise both arms, is one lower than the other?
    Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Slurred?
    Time: Mark the time you did the test.

    If a person exhibits even 1 of these symptoms, call 911.

  2. We could have a contest like trying to decipher Sharpton; Where is she going with that? It’s sad when s good sentence or thought goes off the rails, but these episodes of incoherence of Nancy’s are delightful.

  3. She is their go to spokes person. They’d rather send her out than have, oh, Keith Ellison or Lie-a-watha. She is going to hold on to the steering wheel until she dies, probably on camera and then the real show starts to see which nut job can out maneuver the other nuts to become Governor Lord High of the little people who live in the wall.

    I’m playing “Ode to Joy” right now.

  4. My Dad had a series of TIAs – mini-strokes that eventually resulted in a form of dementia. One of the symptoms was phonemic paraphasia – the brain searching for a word and coming up with one that was somewhat similar in sound instead (ex: “spot” for “pot”, “peanuts” for “penis”, etc.). This seems eerily familiar to me.

  5. I’ve seen a lot of strokes and TIAs.
    Nancy has all the symptoms.

    That also looks like tardive dyskinesia to me, too. Neural tic from long term antipsychotics, past or present.
    Nancy’s also a big boozer. That’s always great for an ageing brain. Example: Hilary.

  6. Nah … the syphilis is finally doing it’s thing.
    Either that or her dead brain is finally winking out – y’know, like those frog legs that keep twitching when they receive a slight electric shock – and the action diminishes over time, till they no longer twitch.

    izlamo delenda est …

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