Pelosi struggles while speaking to toddlers – IOTW Report

Pelosi struggles while speaking to toddlers

American Mirror-
VIDEO: Pelosi struggles to use microphone — while taking questions from toddlers.

Nancy Pelosi was tossed softball questions today by a group of people — many too young to even know how to throw.

Addressing a group of children, some muttering gibberish into her microphone, the House Minority Leader struggled mightily with the mic.

Pelosi was asked how she got her job, what “policy” is, and one young man quizzed her on what she’s doing against the NRA.

But as she interacted with the kids, she had trouble with technology.

After answering three questions from adult reporters, Pelosi turned her attention to the children.

Sitting with a handheld mic, she sat in a chair and it cut out.

“Turn on the mic!” someone shouted.

“Is it on?” she said, fumbling with the device.

Thinking she turned it on, she tried speaking into it — to not avail.

“He said it’s not on,” Pelosi said to an aide, again trying to get it to work.

“What about this one?” she asked the aide, grabbing a different microphone out of her hand.

“Does this work?” she asked the audience.

After uttering a few words, that one stopped working, too.

11 Comments on Pelosi struggles while speaking to toddlers

  1. POGO

    I think that long before you were born I was reading Walt. When I entered college I knew who the enemy was!
    57 years later it still is!
    As Bill said in a play 500 years ago, “the more things change, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME.”!


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