Pelosi stutters when asked about Dem caucus vote — 10 colleagues jump in to save her – IOTW Report

Pelosi stutters when asked about Dem caucus vote — 10 colleagues jump in to save her

American Mirror – Minutes after Democrats voted on a replacement for disgraced Michigan. Rep. John Conyers on the House Judiciary Committee, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi couldn’t remember how the vote went.

At a press conference Wednesday, a reporter asked Pelosi a simple question after Democrats emerged from the vote: “Has the Democratic Caucus decided who is going to replace Congressman Conyers as the ranking member on the Judiciary?”

“Excuse me, what did you say?” Pelosi shot back as about 10 other congresswomen huddled around the podium explained the question to the 77-year-old lawmaker.

“The judiciary,” several said.

“We just …?” a confused Pelosi stammered.

“We just voted,” another said.

“Oh, oh, it was uh, we had …,” Pelosi said, raising her hands awkwardly with a blank stare into to the room of reporters.

An aide shuffled in and handed Pelosi a note, while the female lawmakers repeated: “Jerry Nadler.”

Pelosi read the paper, “oh, oh, yes, Jerry Nadler won.”

Nadler is in his 13th term representing New York’s 10th congressional district, in Manhattan. He won the spot held by Conyers for almost a quarter century in a 118 to 72 vote of the House Democratic Caucus, betting out San Francisco immigration attorney Zoe Lofgren, The Hill reports.

“We had two excellent candidates. Two fabulously excellent candidates. It was wonderful to see their presentations and their nominations,” she said, not mentioning the other finalist.

“But thank you for asking,” Pelosi told the reporter, “because I didn’t even know …”  MORE with video.

8 Comments on Pelosi stutters when asked about Dem caucus vote — 10 colleagues jump in to save her

  1. They are trained to rush in and help.

    Usually it’s the media waiting to play cover up, but otherwise it’s handlers that wait to take over in case that nit wit doesn’t know where she is.

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