Pelosi suffers face spasms – IOTW Report

Pelosi suffers face spasms

American Mirror: VIDEO: Pelosi suffers face spasms, says wrong words during brief appearance.

Nancy Pelosi only spoke for a few minutes to reporters on Wednesday, but she still wasn’t able to avoid suffering face spasms, brain freezes and repeatedly using the wrong words.

“As we all know that the, uh, the, um, the Republicans have this tax cuts for the rich — 83% of the benefits going to the top 1%, 86 million middle class American families,” she continued, her face spasming, “will be paying, uh, more taxes in the life, of, of the bill, and, what’s important is it increases the deficit when you add in interest on the national, uh, on the uh, tax cut for the cor— corporate to over two, uh, two trillion dollars added to the deficit,” she finally said.  watch

31 Comments on Pelosi suffers face spasms

  1. She says around .50 that she talks to high school and college students and in talking about their priorities, they almost always say “Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.”

    Sure they do, Nancy.

  2. The RNC has been collecting record donations. They should start getting a plan to get ready for November (I know the Dems are organizing).
    How about a commercial with this Pelosi display – is this the speaker you want for your country?! This needs to get out to people. I don’t know how many low information people have any clue she is suffering from whatever this is.

  3. This is the end stage of facial-Cranial Stretch-o-plasty. The face has been stretched so many times, her cheeks are now joined at the back of her head under a wig, and the intense pressure has compressed her already miniscule grey matter into a “grey dwarf” only 3 atoms wide. Any attempt at thought ricochets back and forth from side to side and causes twitching and spontaneous flatulence.

  4. Politics aside, her husband needs to forcefully “encourage” her retirement ASAP. This is becoming a personal tragedy being played out for all to see. I don’t even watch the clips anymore – I don’t hate her enough anymore to enjoy them. She’s become the poster child for some (undisclosed) disorder or what happens when you reach advanced age.

  5. I enjoy watching it but I don’t want to broadcast it in a commercial.

    A long time coming and well deserved. I’ll show her the same respect they gave Reagan, Cheney with his heart issues, Tony Snow, Lee Atwater, etc., etc.

  6. What the political organization behind Nancy Pelosi is doing to Nancy Pelosi the human being is unconscionable.

    Officeholders are in many cases just the facade of unknown and unaccountable groups and persons behind the scenes. This is a big reason why term limits wouldn’t really do much.

  7. It’s kind of rich that she’d decry the “deficit.”

    Doesn’t she realize that our “deficit” is the result of spending, not tax receipts?

    Sort of mendacious reasoning, ehh?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Why doesn’t she just leave? She has more money than God. She is accomplishing zero.

    And, every day, she is more disgusting than the last. What a strange legacy to crave. …Lady in Red


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