Pelosi Suffers Worst Brain-Freeze of 2020; Stutters, Twitches Face, Forgets CA Governors Name – IOTW Report

Pelosi Suffers Worst Brain-Freeze of 2020; Stutters, Twitches Face, Forgets CA Governors Name

In other words, she’s her normal self.
Short Clip.

35 Comments on Pelosi Suffers Worst Brain-Freeze of 2020; Stutters, Twitches Face, Forgets CA Governors Name

  1. She’s rapidly developing the same cerebral acuity as her companion Biden. Their both babbling incoherently accompanied by repeated nerve spasms.
    It’s the Trump effect.

  2. C’mon Satan. Do your job and collect this evil, traitorous bitch’s soul. Way past time for her to thrown into the deepest pits of hell. If you were working for me I would fire you for non-performance.

  3. Those endless penciled eye brows are a nice, reassuring facial touch. Has her Dementia Joe’s Disease progressed to the point she doesn’t recognize how stupid she looks?

  4. The botox has frozen her brain. Holy cow, if her forhead were more frozen her eyebrows would be in her hairline.
    Nice she can get her botox face shots while people with real medical needs can’t get treatment. She’s had a haircut too.
    Probably while sitting in front of her fridge eating expensive ice cream.

  5. It sure does appear that almost the entire senior leadership of the Democratic party are exactly that = Seniors, suffering from diminished capacity.

    Can you say Pelosi, Biden, Sanders, Clinton, Nadler and the list just goes on and on and on and on…….

    The younger members are just outright crazy…. as in AOC and the squad.

  6. Anonymous asked “How do these people stay in power for so very long?”

    For the same reason they have no trouble rationalizing lowering the voting age to 16: their voters have been conditioned to simply look for the (D), then vote for the name that appears in front of it. Once the process of voting has been reduced to nothing more than an elementary school game of “FInd The Letter”, anyone at any age can do it.

  7. “How do these people stay in power for so very long?”

    She REPRESENTS her constituency. She is REPRESENTATIVE of her district!
    Addled morons elect other addled morons.



    And the list goes on … and on … and on …

    izlamo delenda est …


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