Pelosi Thanks Illegals for Breaking the Law to Bring ‘Dreamers’ to USA – IOTW Report

Pelosi Thanks Illegals for Breaking the Law to Bring ‘Dreamers’ to USA


Breitbart: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spoke for more than eight hours on the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, using her prerogative as a party leader to mount a filibuster to draw attention to the cause of illegal aliens.

The House, unlike the Senate, does not actually have a filibuster rule that allows members to speak as long as they want. Only the Speaker of the House and the party leaders can hold the floor indefinitely.

Pelosi said she was taking a stand to draw attention to the plight of the so-called “Dreamers,” who are illegal aliens brought into the country as minors.

During her remarks, she hailed the “Dreamers,” whom she said had arrived in the country illegally through no fault of their own

She then went on to thank the parents of the “Dreamers” — i.e. those who deliberately broke the law.

“I say to their parents: Thank you for bringing these Dreamers to America. We’re in your debt for the courage it took, for you to take the risk, physically, politically, in every way, to do so,” she said.  read more

20 Comments on Pelosi Thanks Illegals for Breaking the Law to Bring ‘Dreamers’ to USA

  1. it took some bravery and courage for my forebears to make their way here LEGALLY…..some of my forebears were here in the 1600s……others didn’t arrive until the 1900s……but they all took a great risk, and not to receive unimaginable – in their time – benefits paid for by others, but, instead, for just the CHANCE of building a life of their own, on their own…..

    i’m tired of dreamers…..i would like them ALL to just shut up or go home…..mostly GO HOME…..but, that failing, at least SHUT UP……

  2. So…..there is living proof that the crunt, Pelosi, is much more interested in bringing to America, ANY phucking illegal asswipe that wants to suck off the American teat and hopefully vote democrat.
    Talk about selling America short….Pelosi is a totally putrid, worthless, lying, phucking, number one ASSHOLE.
    She is SO PHUCKING anti-American…..there should be a bounty on her ugly phucking head.

  3. On the subject of immigration: Shouldn’t Madame Pelosi’s district (where is that again? Somewhere in southern California?) be enriched by being the melting pot for a few hundred (or is the backlog up to thousands) of “war refugees, fleeing persecution in mostly Muslim countries, all of the male persuasion”? Quit trying to hide them in flyover wasteland. Madame Pelosi wants them. She really, really, wants them.

  4. Wasn’t any good movies last night so I flipped over to manbc to check on Rachael,(sisters favorite) Maddow was gushing bout Pelosi yammering on for 8 Hrs! and standing, in 4 inch Heels! Yeah right.
    I got outta there fast.

  5. Translation – thank you for bringing yourselves to CA to clean my pool/house, maintain my landscaping, and vote democrat to ensure the country as founded disappears as quickly as possible. And hey if some of you are complete reprobates and some Americans get hurt or killed that is no skin off our back.

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