Pelosi to Boehner: Stop Being Such a Pu$$y – IOTW Report

Pelosi to Boehner: Stop Being Such a Pu$$y

Pelosi is challenging Boehner to stand up to Obama over his unilateral use of the U.S. military.

Read the story here


14 Comments on Pelosi to Boehner: Stop Being Such a Pu$$y

  1. Republicans cannot see that the manipulative Boehner is as bad as Pigloosi….He already hamstrung the House of Rep GOP to suffer if they try to remove his sorry ass as Speaker…. Two rotted peas in rotten cesspool, Boehney and Pigloosi. Make your local House member run on a vow to oust Boehner or do not vote for the Republican.

  2. Well you do have to admit Pelosi has more “Man” in her left ovary than Boehner has in both his balls. I really think you’re seeing the separation of the Democrats (even extreme left wing ideologue like Pelosi) from Obama in preparation for 2016. Before anyone claps at her actions just remember this woman is a snake that’s not to be trusted and who is not doing this for the good of the country but rather the good of the party and herself.

  3. As far as Moonbatty Pigloosi….fook her and the donkey that fooks her. drop this crunt in the middle of the sahara and let her hitch a muzzy to ride…..oh forgot, drop her from 40000 ft, no parachute, nada…freefall. She can take her broom to the sand.

  4. Nancy’s angry with me?

    I could just burst into tears!

    I’m not a pussy! I’m NOT!

    *boo hoo hoo!*

    (snot runs down lips onto chin, which Paul Ryan licks off – used to be Cantor’s job, but he’s toast)

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