Pelosi Unveils $3 Trillion, 1,815-Page Leftist Coronavirus Bill – IOTW Report

Pelosi Unveils $3 Trillion, 1,815-Page Leftist Coronavirus Bill

Breitbart: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) unveiled her $3 trillion phase four coronavirus bill on Tuesday that serves as a “policy wishlist” for Democrats and progressives.

Pelosi unveiled the Heroes Act, which is a 1,815-page bill that the House will likely vote on Tuesday.

The legislation was not negotiated with congressional Republicans or the Donald Trump administration, and even if it passes through the House, it will likely languish in the Senate.

Politico reported in May that the legislation serves as more of a wishlist for the House Democrat conference’s most progressive lawmakers.

Politico wrote:

Privately, several House Democrats concede their latest bill feels like little more than an effort to appease the most liberal members of the caucus, many of whom were chafed that their most important priorities were minimized or ignored entirely in previous coronavirus negotiations.


15 Comments on Pelosi Unveils $3 Trillion, 1,815-Page Leftist Coronavirus Bill

  1. The louts in the democrap party probably won’t read what’s in this massively overworded and probably illegal piece of legislation just like they did with obummer care. And where are they going to get 3 trillion dollars from that won’t bankrupt the entire country? And besides since the House of Representatives is not in session wouldn’t that also make any legislation that they may try to pass illegal or at least null and void.

  2. The size alone should be sufficient grounds for rejection.
    NOBODY is gonna read that monstrosity – and the totalitarians know it.
    It’s parceled out to various aids and committee slugs to be studied without any ONE being cognizant of the enormity of the thing (remember ObolaCare?).

    It should be shoved up Pelosi’s ass, en masse.

    There are committee staff who are rewarded (handsomely) for inserting single sentences or instances of individual graft. The greater the bill, the greater the cover, and the less chance of discovery. This kind of abuse is usually inserted into “The Budget” – and a rushed “emergency” measure is sure to attract flies and maggots.
    Pelosi, Hoyer, Schumer, et al are masters at legislative prestidigitation and legerdemain.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. MJA, may I suggest that when you write article headlines, you use the term CoronaCold or PanicDemic instead of coronavirus and pandemic. Don’t let the enemy control language.

  4. It’s less than 2000 pages long so will someone read it real quick and tell me what’s in it?

    I’d do it myself but I’m too old and my eyesight too poor now to read through that much quickly any more.

  5. Grrr&%#*!, I give the RINOs’, & Anti-Trumpers’ failure to do the right things during the first two years of the Trump presidency most of the credit/responsibility for handing control of the house back to Hag-Nancy & her flunkies; such as Adam Schiff-for-brain, and Jerry Nadless. That has enabled this BS situation.


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