Pelosi Warns Democrats That If They Support Certain Candidates, They Will Lose – IOTW Report

Pelosi Warns Democrats That If They Support Certain Candidates, They Will Lose

Daily Wire: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned Democrat voters on Saturday that if they support the far-left wing of the party in the primaries, they are setting themselves up to lose to President Donald Trump in the general election.

“I just say to all of our friends, you know, you want to go to the left? You want to win the election? Let’s make a decision to win the election. And when you make a decision to win the election, you have to make every decision in favor of winning,” Pelosi told the South Florida Sun Sentinel. “We all understand what is at stake.”

Pelosi called government-run health care “lovely in concept,” but “not a winning message,” and said “this is not going to happen.”

18 Comments on Pelosi Warns Democrats That If They Support Certain Candidates, They Will Lose

  1. Given her previous comments
    over the last six months
    I would’ve sworn she was on drugs

    Has she become clean or
    come to her senses ?

    Lousy Puh-Lousy actually making
    a semi-rational statement ?

  2. I’ve read many who are of the opinion that Nancy and others did this whole impeachment shit to put their party in the minority so they can regain control of their party.


    For those that think Nancy Botox is pursuing a rational strategy, please explain to me how she was unaware that if the Demonicrats supported impeachment, they would lose.

  4. Rest easy, my friends…in november 2020, McCarthy will be sworn in as the new Speaker. And unlike Boehner and Ryan, Kev is a staunch supporter of President Trump.

  5. Pelosi is long past her USE-BY date. Effen crazy, always drunk, and senile beyond the point of no return. Forced every dumb ass commie in the House to vote for the seditious gay Kenyan commie’s destroy-America socialized health insurance scam. Cost the communist party 1200 democrat offices nation wide. Gawd forbid crazy Nancy ever learns to shut the phuk up. Hillary, Pelosi, Schiff, and girly-Nads are president Trump’s Top Secret plan to guarantee reelection.

  6. To expand on ORWW’s comments: it seems that the Dems are going with the “It’s his (or her) turn,” the same thing that brought the Republicans such disasters as Dole in ‘96, McCain in ‘08, and Romney in ‘12. Maybe the Republicans like the winning that Trump has brought them.


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