Pelosi: ‘We have uh, we have, um, uh ….’ – IOTW Report

Pelosi: ‘We have uh, we have, um, uh ….’


WASHINGTON – California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who repeatedly has called President Trump “President Bush,” has experienced another episode where she just cannot seem to finish a sentence.

Pelosi, 77, was speaking at a town hall meeting that was aired on CNN, and appeared to be giving blank stares at the audience.

As she addressed the Las Vegas massacre and pushed gun control, Pelosi became lost for words.

“Responsible gun owners from the hills of Arizona to the duck blinds of Minnesota, all over, say, ‘We’re all law-abiding, we have many guns, we have as many guns as he had, but we have,’ uh, we have, um, uh,” she said before turning to moderator Chris Cuomo and repeatedly waved her hands.

“Background checks,” she finally exclaimed. MORE HERE

24 Comments on Pelosi: ‘We have uh, we have, um, uh ….’

  1. I find this more depressing than funny. The politicians we supposedly elect are often nothing more than front critters – sometimes barely functional ones at that – for teams of faceless and unaccountable swamp things with tentacles intertwined with goodness knows what even lower forms of life. The politicians can be voted out, descend into madness, or even die, but the swamp lives on.

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