Pelosi’s Pick to Lead Climate Crisis Committee Owned Stock in ‘Top Polluters’ – IOTW Report

Pelosi’s Pick to Lead Climate Crisis Committee Owned Stock in ‘Top Polluters’


Castor had holdings in companies acknowledged as America’s largest water and air polluters.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D., Calif.) choice to lead the House Climate Crisis Committee owned stock in several companies that rank among the nation’s top air and water polluters.

Last week, Pelosi announced that Democratic congresswoman Kathy Castor (Fla.) would chair the newly reconstituted House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. Pelosi’s decision to reestablish the committee, which existed from 2007 until 2011 when it was disbanded by Republicans, signals that climate change will be a top priority for the new Democratic majority.

“This committee will be critical to the entire Congress’s mission to respond to the urgency of this threat, while creating the good-paying, green jobs of the future,” Pelosi said in a statement announcing the appointment. “Congresswoman Castor is a proven champion for public health and green infrastructure, who deeply understands the scope and seriousness of this threat. Her decades of experience in this fight … will be vital.”

Although Castor is poised to have tremendous power over climate-change legislation, it is unclear if her prior financial ties will pose a challenge for progressives who are already complaining that the new committee “will be incapable of solving the greatest threat to humankind.”  more here

5 Comments on Pelosi’s Pick to Lead Climate Crisis Committee Owned Stock in ‘Top Polluters’

  1. Climate Committee. Hmmm. I wonder if they’ll tackle the scourge of Global Darkness, which seems to be more prevalent during the winter months….be sure to attend the “Save the Daylight” protest near you.

  2. The Press will never do it, so I hope President Trump will detail all the money that Legislators have stolen via their insider info on legislation that affects public corps. It should be illegal and prosecuted (the SEC sucks ass as do all fed. agencies).

    A symbolic place to start would be corn ethanol. Big Pharma alone could yield prosecutions to last a century. And it would best be done before they do it with ‘climate change’ and bs non-energy tripe.

  3. It’s imperative that we get 10 years of her tax returns to ensure that The People ™ are not being taken for a ride by someone who should have had their drivers license yanked 20 years ago.


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