Pence Calls for Investigation Into Overlap Between Clinton Foundation, State Deptartment – IOTW Report

Pence Calls for Investigation Into Overlap Between Clinton Foundation, State Deptartment

WFB: Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence said on Fox News Sunday that an investigation should be started to look into the overlap between the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Newly released emails showed favors being done for Foundation donors while Clinton was secretary of state, but her campaign has said that allegations of pay-for-play and conflicts of interest are “absurd.”

“The new emails made public just in the last week seem to make a direct connection between favors done by State Department officials and major foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation,” Pence said. “The American people have a right to know.”

Fox’s Chris Wallace asked Pence if he thought that Clinton was involved in a pay-for-play arrangement as Secretary of State.

Pence said that it looks that way.


ABC’s Martha Raddatz and panetta

ABC Presses Panetta on ‘Embarrassing Emails’ Showing Overlap Between Clinton Foundation, State Department.

ABC’s Martha Raddatz pressed Hillary Clinton supporter and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Sunday on “embarrassing emails” that show overlapping interests between the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s State Department.

Nearly 300 pages of emails released this week include one of a Clinton Foundation official directing top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills “to put Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire and Clinton Foundation donor, in contact with the State Department’s “substance person” on Lebanon,” according to CNN.

“You don’t see anything wrong with a billionaire businessman donating to the foundation and then asking Clinton’s senior State Department aides for favors?” Raddatz asked.


8 Comments on Pence Calls for Investigation Into Overlap Between Clinton Foundation, State Deptartment

  1. Wanna believe him but after everything that’s happened before (more correctly, NOT happened), tell me why we should believe anything like this now.

    Sorry to be very dubious and cynical but because of the Republicans I’ve earned it, in spades.

  2. The professional, non-partisan Director Comey stated Hillary was “careless” when she broke numerous laws regarding her use of a private e-mail system. Careless=Incompetence.

    Comey was right, Hillary could “care less” about the laws, whether its pertaining to her e-mail violations, her Pay-to-Play criminal activities or the murder of Americans in Benghazi.

    Comey is not professional or non-partisan. He is a political hack put in place to cover up Hillary’s criminal enterprise.

    As Sec. of Defense, Leon Panetta knows this and the facts about the Benghazi murders and the CIA running cash and weapons to ISIS with Hillary and Obama’s approval and direction.

    Comey and the FBI have no integrity.

  3. More Congressional flak from their empty ack-ack guns. All this means is that Trey Gowdy will climb upon his pulpit for more “star” time, leading nowhere, doing no good whatsoever. These empty gestures should carry a penalty, like no re-election to Congress.

  4. it’s like one gangster telling another gangster not to steal from the gang.

    they are all in on it, they all know obama is not a citizen and they all know the clintons are corrupt, but then so are all of congress.

    if they weren’t corrupt, they would all be singing from the highest soap box about the corruption. it’s just not going to happen. any investigations will be to white wash the crimes with no one guilty of anything.

    we have lost “law and order”.

  5. Careful Mr. Pence or your Doc Savage-looking ass will end up like me: on the Mystery Movie of the Week while Columbo tries to figure out how you got pinned with the barbell on the back of your neck.

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