Pence is running hard to be the Mitt Romney of 2024 – IOTW Report

Pence is running hard to be the Mitt Romney of 2024

Frontpage: Mike Pence is running hard to be the Mitt Romney of 2024, the controlled opposition establishment Republican nominee who will run for president and lose gracefully. Or if he somehow wins, he will do the Left’s bidding, but in a restrained, ostensibly conservative way. The formerly genuine conservative Pence showed that again Saturday at the Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, an annual event where speakers usually keep things light. The famously stone-faced former veep may have been incapable of cracking jokes, but he sure went all-in on making his remarks as heavy as possible and signaling that he would happily carry water for the Left, repeating his claim that Trump endangered his life on Jan. 6 — even as the Left’s Jan. 6 narrative is in a full state of collapse.

According to a Sunday report in the New York Post, Pence told the Gridiron Club audience, “President Trump was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. And his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day.” Pence has said this before, and it’s a strange thing for an alleged conservative to say, as it is a prime Leftist talking point. Trump criticized Pence for lacking “courage,” and Pence has repeatedly claimed that this put his life in danger. Yet Trump did not call for any violence against Pence. The Left has adopted as a consistent strategy the contention that any criticism of Leftists is tantamount to violence and results in their being inundated with death threats from right-wing yahoos.

Of course, this never works in the other direction: Leftist criticism of patriots is never violence and never results in threats. For Pence to say that Trump’s criticism endangered him is to parrot a Leftist talking point that is designed to shut down all criticism of the Left. It’s irresponsible and short-sighted for Pence to aid and abet the destruction of the freedom of speech. MORE

26 Comments on Pence is running hard to be the Mitt Romney of 2024

  1. That lame strategery worked in the BTE. Before Trump Era.

    If that’s the way it goes, I will thoroughly enjoy it when Trump names Pence and destroys him like he got lil Lindsi Graham to trash his own phone. Good times!

  2. He’s a GOP-e spoiler, nothing more.

    He was put in the VP slot to ensure President Trump was constantly hamstrung and threatened,

    His task has not changed since then.

    He isn’t there to be president.

    He’s only there to try to make it seem plasuble when they once again say that Dominion reports that President Trump isn’t.

  3. I heard Trump speaking the other day and in referencing, RDS said that Ron reminds him a lot of Romney. I thought to myself,”Holy Shit!, that is the worst possible insult he could come up with, the gloves are off”.

    I also wonder who Pence is listening to. He clearly has to understand that he is probably the most reviled person in the MAGA-sphere. Vivek Ramaswamy has a better chance of getting the nomination. Even those that don’t think he is the devil and sympathize with the position he was in on Jan. 6th, like myself, would not vote for him. Never Trumpers have better options. Pense needs to go away.

  4. Your job wasn’t to overturn an election, your job was to put a legal pause on the results until an investigation could be done.
    There was supposed to be a report on foreign interference within 40 days of the election which your team made sure there wasn’t.
    But you knew that didn’t you?
    Oh, and you ain’t no Christian.

  5. Learning from the libtards.
    1990 – “During the race, Pence used “political donations to pay the mortgage on his house, his personal credit card bill, groceries, golf tournament fees and car payments for his wife”.

    Now he’s worth $4 million, just another POS politician.

  6. The media would love Pence to run, they’ll give him kid glove treatment during the primaries and bash him relentlessly in the election. Never let the MSM pick your candidate.


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