Pence just unfollowed Trump on Twitter? ๐Ÿ˜‚ – IOTW Report

Pence just unfollowed Trump on Twitter? ๐Ÿ˜‚

We checked it out, and the report is correct. Vice President Pence, whose political career is likely over, has unfollowed President Trump. Weโ€™ve gone through the list of accounts he follows and while Melania Trump remains on that list, President Trump is no longer on his โ€œFollowingโ€ list.

What a pussy.
I guess we can return the favor.
Everybody, unfollow Mike Pence. ๐Ÿคฃ

Any bets Mike will tell us his staff did it? Twitter did it? It was an accident? lol

h/t joe6pak

56 Comments on Pence just unfollowed Trump on Twitter? ๐Ÿ˜‚

  1. He calls himself a Christian? ๐Ÿค” Supposed Christian’s don’t stab people in the back and take their country down with it.
    Praying for you President Trump. ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™

  2. …I never forgot when Pence turned and ran from what he claimed was his faoth-based stance against gay “marriage” when he was Gov of IN because some fruity guys yelled at him.

    I’ve had zero confidence in him since. You don’t back away from God for political expediency or you’re the foulest kind of hypocrite that can never be trusted to do what’s right, ever.

    This just proved it.

  3. Well, I thought he was the first huge mistake Trump had made the day I heard he chose him.
    Trump tried, but Trump made a lot of mistakes. He should have followed his gut and took his own advice and rid himself of all of the deep state, but far too many times he chose the deep state and took advice from establishment and deep state.

  4. BTW, a Christian does what is moral and right, when a Christian fails they beg for forgiveness and then repent. Pence is showing he’s not planning on repenting, so judging him by his fruit, shows he’s rotten to the core.

  5. OK listen y’all.

    CALL your state legislatures. Not kidding. In the contested states, the (R) legislatures are the ones who award or pull the electors back. CALL THEM and tell them to keep on track and keep fighting.

    Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and fuck Nevada. They’re democrats. If you want to call Nevada legislators call them and tell them to suck your dicks! You know, respectfully.

  6. We’ve been suckered again, folks.

    The Capitol overrun was a staged flase flag event orchestrated by Federal powers. Watching the videos is is absolutely clear that small teams of men approached the barriers and removed them, all while interacting with police there. In at least one case the police themselves removed the barrier. That’s all it took to bait hundreds of true Trump supporters into entering the Capitol.

    Now we are all enemies of the state. Now we can all be hunted. The shock and awe was deployed flawlessly, and barely two hours into this the narrative is concrete: Trump mobs attacked the United States.

    We’re fooked, people. There’s not long until they start running the trains.

  7. I am heartbroken. This has been one helluva roller coaster ride since election day. My faith is wavering but I have not given up. I still believe God will not let the communists destroy this country. Keep praying!

  8. Should have known never to trust a Christian! Especially one so virtuous as one who wonโ€™t be allowed to be around other women!! Damn I hate being duped by these fucking assholes!!!

  9. Sorry if this was already stated – but short on time to read through all the comments right now.

    Pence was also the reason Mike Flynn got fired in the first place. So there is that as well. I always thought Pence was on the right side – but I have learned how appearances can be deceiving.

  10. Have you noticed, they are starting to just act like Trump isnโ€™t POTUS.
    – Pence unfollows
    -Chris Miller who we were told was a loyalist ignored Trumpโ€™s calls for the National Guard and credited Pence/Pelosi or calling on them
    -Twitter takes down Trumpโ€™s last tweets about a call for peace
    -They are calling back Congress tonight to finish the vote and Trump was not on any of the letters/memos on the topic.

    Now there are calls for Pence to call for the 25th Amendment and remove Trump.
    Are they going to try to remove him tonight?

  11. Trump chose Pence because when he started to campaign in 2015, conservative Christians doubted him. Also he thought it would be a good idea to pick someone who knew everyone on Capitol Hill.

    But remember: Pence was the reason for Flynn’s firing. That he never came forward and admitted to the press that it was he, Pence, who had misspoke, not Flynn… well I cannot forgive that. Pence also led the Covid “task force” and allowed the entire 2020 mess.

  12. Neon Revolt wrote some damning things about about Pence, for whatever it’s worth.

    “…Sadly, despite being told by my sources in Washington that Pence himself read this article and initially appeared to agree with it, it seems that Pence has decided to back away right as we come to the precipice; that he will refuse to save this Republic, and has in actuality now planning to betray President Trump at this, the final hour.

    I always knew this would be an option for Pence. Should he really desire to betray Trump, all he had to do was keep his cards close to his chest, pretend to be an ally, and then flip at the last possible second in order to run out the clock and prevent Trump from being able to respond at all.

    This is whatโ€™s happening now. This is where we are at โ€“ with a man closest to the President, who โ€“ according to our whistleblower โ€“ secretly agreed to participate in a coup against that very same President, set to determine the fate of that same President, by getting to decide which slates of electors get counted in this, the most fraudulent election to ever take place in the history of this country.

    And this is why I must now write the most fateful sentence I have ever dared to write; the kind of sentence I had always hoped to avoid, but in the face of the evidence I now see, and the situation in which we find ourselves, I must write it all the same.
    I hereby call for the immediate arrest of Michael Richard Pence, 48th Vice President of the United States, for Treason.

    Patriots โ€“ you are all in DC today for a reason.

    Make it count.
    (And maybe now this all helps explain why Pence got an envelope, too).

  13. Take it for what it is worth, there have been people posting documents that claim Pence and Paul Ryan had hoped to get Trump off the ticket and replace him with a Pence/Ryan ticket. Other documents suggest Pence / VP was a deal brokered and Trump had wanted Flynn VP but the RNC wouldnโ€™t stand for that. Pence has never defended or stood by Trump except when it benefited him. Trump treated him well. Pence sealed his fate, he has no idea.

  14. joe6pak – I think I’ve read that, but I don’t know much about him or his twitter handle, “johnheretohelp”. I’ve read tweets from “johnheretohelp” on Gab, but again, I don’t know enough about him to form an opinion of him.

  15. 2Chor 4:9.
    We are hunted down and persecuted, but not deserted [to stand alone]; struck down, but never destroyed;

    God is still sovereign. I donโ€™t believe this is over. Pray !!!

    PS- I never have liked Pence. Thought for sure the plan was to politely dismiss him after the election and replace with Nunes, or Noem.


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