Pence makes surprise visit to NoKo border after failed missile launch – IOTW Report

Pence makes surprise visit to NoKo border after failed missile launch

WaEx: Vice President Mike Pence made an unannounced visit to the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea amid growing tensions between the U.S. and the North Korea.

The visit Monday morning local time comes just one day after North Korea’s latest failed missile launch.

Pence’s Blackhawk landed on a baseball field at Camp Bonifas, a gateway to the demilitarized zone.

Pence spent Easter Sunday with members of the U.S. and South Korean military in Seoul, affirming the U.S. commitment to the country.


16 Comments on Pence makes surprise visit to NoKo border after failed missile launch

  1. You know the storm troopers in Star Wars? Thats what little fat boy has at his disposal. 9 million brain washed robots ready to fight. Evil. Thanks democrats for giving them $5 billion and 2 nuclear plants in exchange for a nobel peace prize. Idiots. Those of us with a clue knew we’d have to eventually get tough with the norks. The time has come. Try to assassinate him, otherwise bomb the fu@k out of them.

  2. Why are we still responsible for South Korea’s security? They should handle that for themselves. They have plenty of ability when it comes to beating us on trade.

  3. Peeonyang , The war was not ended. S.K. is an ally in this war.

    N.K. and China’s aggressions would end in S.K.’s demise.

    I don’t think abandoning them would be for our own good.

  4. Thirdtwin , I think the main difference is Barky went for looking pointers on subjugating the citizens of his own country. Also maybe a little encouragement that it CAN be done.

  5. Peeonyang, China is standing behind them keeping them from defeat. Otherwise they would have been taken over by now.

    You must count all the players.

    I’m wondering how old you are now to not know this.

  6. Dadof4, I did not say anything about China one way or the other. Of course they have been propping N.C. up. However, there are no Chinese troops in N.C as far as I know. We have 27,000 Americans in S.C. at risk—for what?

  7. At risk of losing a free ally. They are more valuable than you think.

    That’s exactly the problem with what you want. Not mentioning China doesn’t make their role in this disappear.

    They are the ONLY reason N.K. still stands.

    You can’t consider anything about N.K without China being in the mix.

    Do some honest homework. Seriously – there is no ignoring China on this matter. All negotiations with N.K. include China. Been that way for 5 decades.

    Maybe I’m guilty of wrongly assuming you don’t want the spread of Communism in the world.

    It’s my opinion it’s dangerously childish to suggest abandoning S.K. has no negative consequences for America. On the other hand – if you want Communism to rule the world, then your suggestion makes total sense. Then f__k S.K., they’ll go down quicker than Madonna on a Hillary voter. It’s S.K. vs N.K. AND China. What is their GDP and manpower added to N.K.?

    How about clearing things up and stating your preferred foreign policy regarding Communism spreading and abandoning our friends to it around the world? Since keeping Communism at bay and from our shores, isn’t in it.

    I’ll leave it at that, and not respond. Last word on this is yours. You’ve been given enough clues. It’s just your choice at this point.

    God bless you and thank you for talking with me.

  8. Who has made China as strong as it is? They were a basket case before MFN. Now they are a huge problem, without doing anthing to South Korea. Yet we keep buying whatever they have to sell. Do you really think their plans rely on S.C.?
    It has been good talking with you. Thank you for the conversation.

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