Pence says states have enough COVID-19 tests to start phase 1 of White House recovery plan – IOTW Report

Pence says states have enough COVID-19 tests to start phase 1 of White House recovery plan


The Trump administration sought Friday to alleviate fears about the availability of mass testing for the coronavirus, with Vice President Mike Pence telling reporters that states “have enough tests to implement the criteria of phase 1” of the White House plan to reopen the economy “if they choose to do so.”

A slide in the White House briefing room touted that the U.S. had completed more than 3,780,000 tests as of Thursday.

Many governors have expressed caution about lifting stay-at-home orders, saying they need more help from the federal government to make tests available. Meanwhile, protesters in several states have demanded the reopening of schools, businesses, and commerce.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said earlier Friday the federal government shouldn’t “pass the buck without passing the bucks.”

But President Trump said governors must take responsibility and lamented “false reporting” on testing, saying, “Everything is perfect.” read more

13 Comments on Pence says states have enough COVID-19 tests to start phase 1 of White House recovery plan

  1. Ahhhh, but have they enough toilet paper?

    Our ‘Rat, Inslee, says POTUS Trump is “trying to foment public protest”. ??????!!!!! Sounds exactly like something a lunatic governor would say, doesn’t it?

  2. I dearly love PDJT, he constantly uses their own playbook against them. His rope-a-dope art or war is priceless.

    First bait them with his “authority” to get them to admit they are in charge, then gives them permission to act on what they just admitted knowing they will slow roll recovery in their Demonrat states.

    Once the hook is set, reel em in with social media warfare by inciting their internal constituencies to action so they experience pressure from within and without.

    Then sit on top of a ridge line and stare down at the destruction of Demonrat authoritarian dictators and say. Alinsky, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!

  3. “Our ‘Rat, Inslee, says POTUS Trump is “trying to foment public protest”
    Like the rat bastard hasen’t been? Lets hope he has a close encounter with a rope and a tree.

  4. The recovery we need is from the government’s actions, not the virus. The virus itself actually did very little harm.

    Always keep that in mind.

    Especially if you get the chance to vote again, and even more so if you don’t.

  5. …so, we’re going to have nationally mandated medical testing now? Where’s THAT in the Constitution?

    Why stop THERE? Why not mandate testing for ALL the “Required Report” diseases, including the social diseases? Maybe genetic testing too, in order to find out who’s got hereditary weaknesses?

    …and THEN, the Govenment can decide WHAT to do about people who fail their Government mandated medical tests.

    What could POSSIBLY go WRONG?

    …and of COURSE the test will be PERFECT, like NO medical tests in the HISTORY of medical tests have EVER been, so no false positives will cause people to lose their house or their car because they are not ALLOWED to work, and no false NEGATIVES will allow the infected to infect others with an illusion of safety because “The Government” says they’re safe…

    …the spinelessness in this Country disgusts me. Our willingness to lay down our rights to evil men over an invisible fear, our quick compliance with lawless edicts, the speed at which most ran to make the evil men’s job much EASIER by reporting their NEIGHBORS attempting to enjoy their God-given rights demonstrates that this Nation is already lost. The transparent political motives over which this lie is pushed to empower petty dictators to usurp authority they have NO right to over their fellow man is lost on these sheep that bleat for their false shepherds to protect them from the very wolves he raised to frighten them. How they must laugh as they choose which sheep to have for dinner next, to share with their wolves to keep their loyalty until the time of the NEXT slaughter!

    …well, time to get that COVID test, I hear they’ve settled on a tattoo to show you’re been tested, because they are SO sure of it.

    They even said what it will LOOK like.

    So the only question is, do you want your stamp of Govenment approval on your right hand, or on your forehead.

    ..the official Democrat Executive Order is below, apparently they expected this because it was drafted QUITE a while ago for just such an occasion…

    16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell

    “17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

    Revelation 13:17–18

  6. Weve gone way too far w this testing nonsense. This was a seasonal flu virus not the plague. It never amounted to much and its over. The govt overreach and control and countless errors–led by the moronic d-list has beens fauxi and brix–is pathetic. Its over ppl go on to your next phony crisis to try to take down Trump.

  7. “…the federal government shouldn’t “pass the buck without passing the bucks.””

    ..all the high-tax Demon States that lost the Federal Government making up for their high taxes are LOVING this.

    The new tax structure WOULD have revealed high tax states to taxpayers by not backfilling for them and MAYBE angered their constituents, but we’ll never know, NOW, since it’s been all lost in stimulus checks from the IRS and scaring everyone into thinking they NEED to give Government more money to “pwotect” them.

    And this catch phrase by Cockmo is just another way of making up for it.

    …if the DO take our Federal taxes and give more to the states, do you REALLY think it will be spent on COVID tests?

    …if so, you’ve never met a Democrat.

    …they’ll use it mostly for vote-buying schemes and for replacing funds previously stolen from other projects, like Democrats ALWAYS do, and blame shortfalls on the President for not giving them enough.

    A little WILL go to COVID testing, with the lion’s share going to political freinds and family to “oversee” the program, renting buildings and equipment from political allies at 10 times the going rate, hiring the lazy and incompetent to actually staff the test centers based on their sex, sexual orientation, skin color, Muslimness, immigration status…anything but competence or skill, so everyone can feelz the fairness and inclusiveness of it all, and make sure hated Whitey Maley Christiany Straighty don’t get none, because THAT’S what’s most important.

    …and maybe buying a test or two if anything’s left over, followed by long lines, botched tests, and cries that Trump underfunded the program because he wants minorities to die.

    No audits will be allowed, and it will be considered grounds for impeachement if the President calls for any.

    …no, the Democrats are getting EVERYTHING they want from this invisible bogeyman, and more.

    Dictatorial powers.
    Cancelled elections.
    Cancelled Trump rallies.
    Cancelled Christian worship.
    No legal way to peaceably assemble.
    Unlimited Federal funds.
    Redefining Medicine.
    All rights taken from the elderly in nursing homes and their families.
    Arbitrary arrests based on vauge and questionable Executive Orders.
    Courts shut down.
    Power of life and death.
    Massive opportunities to attack the President.

    And the BEST part?

    The chattel spy on THEMSELVES! Saves the Government LOTS of work!!

    …and right after the Shampeachment, too, so ALL investigations into ALL Democrat treason are cancelled INDEFINITELY.

    Or at least until a Democrat takes over, and dismisses them. Later this year, then.

    …no, this has been very, VERY good to Democrats.

    …but I’m SURE it’s just a coincidence…/s

  8. AA, Bad Brad etc. Inslee is worse than a rat, he is also a damned weasel. I despise our governor in Wash. state. Who the hell does he think he is that he can order us around like this? He has to go and Bob Ferguson as well, they both are totally worthless. If Idaho and Montana open up soon and Wash. state doesn’t we’re fucked in the wholesale floral business. Reopening the economy in Wash. state should be on a county by county basis with the more rural counties opening up first including Spokane County otherwise we’re totally screwed.


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