Penguin Poop Is Like Laughing Gas – IOTW Report

Penguin Poop Is Like Laughing Gas

Gizmodo: Researchers Accidentally Got High on Laughing Gas From Penguin Poop.

When studying penguins, there’s a surprise you’ve gotta watch out for: the laughing gas produced by their poop.

Researchers based in Denmark and China were studying the effects of retreating glaciers and the accompanying surge in penguins on greenhouse gas levels on South Georgia Island. It turns out that climate change is kicking off a sort of feedback loop, where the influx of penguins leads to more penguin poop and therefore even more greenhouse gases. But it also leads to a hell of a time for the scientists breathing in all that nitrous oxide, colloquially known as laughing gas.

“After nosing about in guano for several hours, one goes completely cuckoo. One begins to feel ill and get a headache,” the study’s corresponding author, Bo Elberling from the Center for Permafrost at the University of Copenhagen, told the AFP.

South Georgia Island is a cold, cloudy island located in the South Atlantic just north of the Antarctic Circle. Over the past 50 years, the island’s glaciers have been retreating; its Heaney Glacier has retreated a kilometer since 1993, according to the paper published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

The island’s location makes it a prime spot for penguins; it hosts the world’s biggest king penguin population, with around 300,000 breeding birds. As the glacier retreats, the penguins advance inland.

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