Penn State Professor Argues that Eating Meat Perpetuates Patriarchy – IOTW Report

Penn State Professor Argues that Eating Meat Perpetuates Patriarchy

Breitbart: A sociology professor at Pennsylvania State University recently argued in an academic journal that eating meat perpetuates “patriarchy.”

According to Campus Reform, Penn State Professor Anne DeLessio-Parson believes that “hegemonic masculinity implies an imperative to eat meat.” She argued just that in a recent academic article in the Journal of Feminist Geography.


DeLessio-Parson came to this conclusion after interviewing 23 vegetarians in Argentina. She asked them how they cope with the country’s “meat-centric” culture and if they view vegetarianism itself as a political act.

“The decision to become vegetarian does not itself destabilize gender, but the subsequent social interactions between vegetarian and meat-eater demand gender enactment — or resistance,” she explains in her article. “Refusing meat therefore presents opportunities, in each social interaction, for the binary to be called into question.” She suggests that such a decision to forego meat consumption in a social setting may be a political act of resistance against the gender binary.  more

SNIP: I think she needs to eat a steak and get laid.

34 Comments on Penn State Professor Argues that Eating Meat Perpetuates Patriarchy

  1. “pa·tri·arch·y
    a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.
    a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
    a society or community organized on patriarchal lines.
    plural noun: patriarchies”

    As it should be.

  2. Romans 14:1-3English Standard Version (ESV)
    Do Not Pass Judgment on One Another
    14 As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. 2 One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. 3 Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.

    Unfortunately, this is a woman who probably hates God with all her heart, soul and mind.

  3. Apparently misandry is a prerequisite for chick professors these days.
    I can’t help but think that a distinct lack of meat is what gives them their sour, self loathing disposition.

  4. “SNIP: I think she needs to eat a steak and get laid.”

    I could hook her up with coupon for the nearest Outback, but I wouldn’t hit that nutcase with a rocking horse’s piney pecker.

  5. As soon as I saw that hyphenated last name, my feminist alarm went off. Anyway, I looked her up to find out why she’s so opposed to meat, and it turns out that she’s being a total hypocrite.

    Hell, she’s made out of meat!

  6. @Bad_Brad: Are you saying that even tabasco sauce won’t make her palatable?

    Hey – I’ve got an idea. I have a small tenderizer hammer around here that I used whenever I need to beat my meat. Maybe it would soften hers up, too.

    …Naah, probably not.

  7. What in the hell did she even say? None of it made any sense, except that it sounded like a bad thing….which it probably isn’t.
    These FemiNazis and their made up jargon.
    Join PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals.

  8. I don’t perpetuate anything. I just like meat. Beef, pork, chicken (to a lesser degree), venison, turtle, rabbit, squirrel….you name it. There’s room for all of God’s creatures, right next to the potatoes.

  9. “… after interviewing 23 vegetarians in Argentina.”

    Yep. That’s conclusive. Absolutely. The Scientific Method, writ Large.

    Is it any wonder that more and more people consider the “sciences” BULLSHIT?
    Universities and “higher education” have been be-clowning themselves for a couple of centuries and this is a perfect example of the genre.

    Walk into any Engineering or Physics Dept. in the World and posit a “conclusion” based on 23 datapoints chosen exclusively for their prejudice – 23 VEGETARIANS as opposed to 23 OMNIVORES – you’d be laughed out of the building – and probably off the campus.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Just an effort to get more men eating soy protein. More studies all the time pointing to a reduction in testosterone due to a preponderance of soy protein in the diet of men. This 3rd wave feminazi goal to turn a majority of men into beta-male “soy boys”.
    ‘Eat beef. Its what’s for dinner.’

  11. The Journal of Feminist Geography. Let that sink in. I remember when geography used to be mapping, surveying, soils, ecosystems, agriculture, rivers and stuff. At the uni today it’s racism sexism and Nazis. Oh and queers

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