Penn State Professor Charged with Stuff You Don’t Even Want To Know About – IOTW Report

Penn State Professor Charged with Stuff You Don’t Even Want To Know About

The case has now escalated with the emergence of new footage that allegedly shows Matsoukas inserting a tree branch and a lollipop into his anus in a public park. Butt it gets worse.

35 Comments on Penn State Professor Charged with Stuff You Don’t Even Want To Know About

  1. I could care nothing about what a private individual chooses to do with his orifices, etc. The PROBLEM is that we have ceded untold POWER to institutions, government, etc. over our lives, our economy, our money, our children, etc. and THESE FREAKS are the folks they give the power to. In a JUST, MORAL society, NO POWER would be in the hands of ANYONE…PERIOD. Nobody, regardless of their justification, has the authority to rule over anyone else…PERIOD. An election doesn’t justify their right, watery tarts handing out swords in lakes doesn’t justify it…NOTHING DOES!!!! Until we finally ALL wake up to that TRUTH, NOTHING will change. THEY HAVE NO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I keep saying there’s no cure for mental illness. Wait till he goes to prison, he’ll be everyone’s girlfriend. His sexual frustrations will be over. It’s rather amusing on one hand to see an intellectual’s dark side shine through. One can be book smart and still be a pervert.

  3. Just as I predicted – people having sex with trees.

    Matsoukas: I always dreamed of fucking a tree, but a tree fucked me instead. Ha Ha. I’ll go to hell, so you Christians tell me, but I’ll have lots of fun with my buds, while you guys will be in heaven, you hope, sitting around singing Psalms all day long. Boring!

  4. Matsoukas: I’m planning a trip to Arizona, where they have all those giant Saguaro cactuses. Such big, handsome brutes. I’ll find a good one, climb on top and sit down…up and down I’ll go. The pain will be excruciatingly beautiful.

    I’ll describe the experience in detail for all those religious weirdo types out there. Ha Ha!

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