Pennsylvania: Anti-lockdown demonstrator falsely accused of holding white supremacist sign – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania: Anti-lockdown demonstrator falsely accused of holding white supremacist sign

American Thinker:

By Rose Tennent

The lies never end when it comes to demonizing conservatives.

On April 20, entrepreneurs and their supporters participated in simultaneous rallies in Pittsburgh and Harrisburg to send a message to Governor Wolf that it was time to safely reopen Pennsylvania businesses.  Organized by PA Small Businesses Against Governor Wolf Shutdown, the rallies boasted hundreds in Pittsburgh and in Harrisburg and were meant to send a clear message to Harrisburg: “Pennsylvanians want to get back to work again.”  Governor Wolf ordered a shutdown of nonessential businesses in mid-March.

One of the drive-in participants in the rally to call for the reopening of the state was Jill Cooper of Murrysville, Pa.  Jill has been a longtime conservative activist since 2008.  She held the office of chair for the Westmoreland County Republican Party from 2012 to 2014 and is currently a Pennsylvania GOP Committee member.  She was twice a delegate to a GOP Convention and is currently running as a PA Trump campaign delegate.

Jill knows that small business is the heart and soul of this country and essential for economic growth.  With her background as a former executive director of the Murrysville Economic Community and Development Corporation, she shares a passion for small businesses and an understanding of their struggles.  Jill said she was very frustrated when she attempted a call to the Office of the Governor but ended up being routed to the Department of Health, only to discover she was being connected to a call center.  It was during her conversation with that call center that she realized she couldn’t be sure they were logging her complaint and getting it to the governor.  Frustrated, it was then that she decided to join the rally to be sure her voice would be heard. more

5 Comments on Pennsylvania: Anti-lockdown demonstrator falsely accused of holding white supremacist sign

  1. It’s just another flimsy tactic to put people the defensive and distract from the issue. Trump has a meeting, and people come away with some lie that he said Africa was a “shithole” country.

    It’s all just arm-wrestling the media narrative, they do it all the time.

  2. Even when you got nuthin – you got racism.
    “Work” is a trigger-word for non-whites, doncha know?

    It secretly means … uhh … something to … uhh … someone …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Never mind that if you delve into the archives and take a look at the progressive movement’s own contemporary periodical literature they supported the National Socialists during their rise to power in the late 1920’s and throughout the 1930’s as they consolidated their power. It was not until Hitler invaded the Soviet Union that there was any loss of love of Hitler and Nazism by the progressives.


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