Pennsylvania Auditors Warned of Dead People, Duplicates on State Voter Rolls – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Auditors Warned of Dead People, Duplicates on State Voter Rolls

Breitbart- Pennsylvania auditors alerted officials of possible dead people and duplicate registrations on the state’s voter rolls last year, but the warnings went unacknowledged.

In December 2019, Pennsylvania’s Department of Auditor General (DAG) released the findings of an audit report conducted January 1, 2016 to April 16, 2019 but was limited in scope because of “a lack of cooperation and a failure to provide the necessary information by” Pennyslvania’s Department of State, the Department of Transportation, and four county election offices.

Due to the state’s noncooperation, the auditors were “unable to establish with any degree of reasonable assurance” that the state’s voter rolls system is “secure and that Pennsylvania voter registration records are complete, accurate, and in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and related guidelines.”

Even without cooperation from state agencies and multiple county election offices, the report “identified tens of thousands of potential duplicate and inaccurate voter records, as well as voter records for nearly three thousand potentially deceased voters that had not been removed” from Pennsylvania voter rolls. more

9 Comments on Pennsylvania Auditors Warned of Dead People, Duplicates on State Voter Rolls

  1. “You know, comrades, that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.” Joseph Stalin.

    I’ve been saying this for years. It doesn’t matter who you vote for. Only who counts your vote. Research who does ballot counting.

  2. This is my thinking….

    He gave them all the rope he needed for them to hang themselves. They were sloppy as hell. They left trails of breadcrumbs everywhere and he collected evidence of all their shenanigans. Video, eyewitness affadavits, dead voters, electronic manipulation, you name it. All the evidence he needs not just to go to court to win the election, but to pursue something even more meaningful that is near and dear to his heart.

    Election reform. Once he’s reaffirmed, he will do just what Joe wants to do, drop a bunch of new initiatives. But he will do it with or without fanfare. The scale of this fraud cannot go unanswered without an epic response.

  3. If they don’t want to assist, withhold federal funds from them, attach a high interest rate penalty per day, Give them adequate notification of what will happen and enforce it.The current AG has no comprehension of enforcement.


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