Pennsylvania Bill to Enforce Firearm Preemption Against Scofflaw Governments – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Bill to Enforce Firearm Preemption Against Scofflaw Governments

Gun Watch: The Pennsylvania legislature is aiming to enforce their strong firearms preemption law. A similar enforcement law was enacted in 2014, but was struck down in 2016. The state Supreme Court ruled that the legislature had violated the state constitutional requirement for “single issue” statutes when the bill was passed.

On April 19, 2017, a replacement bill passed the House Judiciary committee by a 20-5 vote.

As with most states, Pennsylvania has a strong firearms preemption law. The statute has been on the books for over three decades. The preemption law requires that virtually all firearms law in Pennsylvania be uniform at the state level. Local governments are forbidden from passing a patchwork quilt of firearms regulations that can entrap innocent residents as they exercise their Second Amendment rights.  read more

8 Comments on Pennsylvania Bill to Enforce Firearm Preemption Against Scofflaw Governments

  1. The problem with the 2nd Amendment isn’t that liberals can’t read or even interpret what the founders wrote. They don’t care about any law. Just their crazy communist/socialized ways.

  2. The very idea that there is a “test” such as the ability to attain a CCW permit for myself and others to protect their person, property etc… by the free exercise of a GOD GIVEN RIGHT, is repugnant at best. The Federal, State and Local government(s) and it’s inhabitants have successfully convinced “We the People” that they are the ultimate authority of how our rights are practiced and/or restricted and have bestowed upon themselves a power that is rightfully not theirs in a republic of the people, by the people and for the people. Government from the federal level on down to the local level needs an industrial-sized douche with battery acid.
    Pennsylvania is a major-league shit-show right now with Gov. Tom ” I couldn’t win my hometown, but the rest of the idiots that refused to find-out who and what I really am, voted for me” Wolfe. He’s Obama on steroids.

  3. We’re shall issue and castle doctrine here, I’m not
    going to bitch. We also have the most insane gun regulations
    That being said, we can have and use anything that is
    legal and not Class III. We can also get Class III permits
    and pay the price.
    BATF has half the island on their watchlists as we all
    order our ammo by the case. :O

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