Pennsylvania Dem Congressional Candidate’s Fund Has Donated Hundreds of Thousands to Anti-Jewish Groups – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Dem Congressional Candidate’s Fund Has Donated Hundreds of Thousands to Anti-Jewish Groups

Geller Report: Scott Wallace, the Democratic congressional candidate from Pennsylvania who just won his primary fight for the state’s 1st District, is financially tied to organizations that promote the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.

Wallace’s foundation, the Wallace Global Fund — which Wallace ran from 2003 until 2018 — has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to these BDS-tied groups.

And now he’s running against the Republican in a tense battle for ultimate control of the House of Representatives.

This is the guy the Democrats in Pennsylvania picked to run this race.

From the Washington Free Beacon:

[…] In 2016, the fund donated a further $5,000 to the Arab American Association of New York, which is run by fervent anti-Israel, pro-BDS activist Linda Sarsour.  MORE

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