Pennsylvania: Democrat Candidate Fetterman Opposes School Vouchers for the Poor As He Sends His Kids To Expensive Prep School – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania: Democrat Candidate Fetterman Opposes School Vouchers for the Poor As He Sends His Kids To Expensive Prep School


Pennsylvania Senate hopeful John Fetterman (D.) opposes vouchers that let children in failing public school districts attend private and charter schools. But the progressive champion, who lives in one of Pennsylvania’s worst performing school districts, sends his kids to an elite prep school.

Fetterman’s kids attend the Winchester Thurston School in Pittsburgh, where parents pay up to $34,250 for a “dynamic” learning environment and an “innovative” approach to teaching. They would otherwise go to schools in Woodland Hills School District, where graduation rates are far below the state average. The local elementary school that serves Fetterman’s town of Braddock is in the bottom 15 percent of the state in academic performance. Fetterman and his wife Gisele have sent at least one of their three kids to Winchester Thurston for the past seven years. A 2018 news article mentioned that Fetterman sends his kids to a private school in Pittsburgh, though the school was not identified. Gisele Fetterman has been a “WT parent” since at least 2015. Last year, Winchester Thurston praised Gisele, a “WT Mom,” for her help on an art project.

Fetterman’s embrace of school choice for his own family opens him up to allegations of hypocrisy on several fronts. Fetterman, the lieutenant governor, has made his Republican opponent Mehmet Oz’s wealth a centerpiece of his campaign. He has also called for increased funding for public schools, though by sending his kids to private school he is diverting funds from Woodland Hills under a state funding formula that awards money to districts based on enrollment.

While sending his kids to Pennsylvania’s 11th best private school, Fetterman has publicly opposed vouchers that parents in poor-performing districts like his own could use to send their kids to private and charter schools. In 2018, he told an organization founded by Bernie Sanders supporters he opposed vouchers for families in Philadelphia on the grounds that they “[take] money away from public schools” and give it to private and charter schools. Roughly one-third of Philadelphia school kids go to charter schools because of the city’s dismal public school system. more here

14 Comments on Pennsylvania: Democrat Candidate Fetterman Opposes School Vouchers for the Poor As He Sends His Kids To Expensive Prep School

  1. Did you all see this jackass at his “speech” in Erie, PA? He can’t even put together 2 coherent words back to back. I sympathize with a person who has had a stroke, but that alone should disqualify him for office. He’s in worse shape than Biden is. On top of it all, he looked like a person of Wal-Mart in that get-up he was wearing. I get the sweatshirt, but basketball shorts? Running for Senate? I’ll bet Joe Biden was watching & even he said “c’mon man”!

  2. Not sure the schools/teachers have grounds to bitch. They don’t get to corrupt the child, so they don’t get the money. Otherwise they’d have to spend time dissembling to parents who care, as to why they achieve jack-shiite over the course of the school year.

  3. The dems are at the point they’re just putting shells up in elections. This guy should have ZERO chance but Dominion and drop boxes will carry the day.

    have so jumped the shark

  4. Huh?
    He has children?
    Some woman opened her legs for THAT?
    $10 or a bottle of Muscatel?
    “Ohhhhh you BIG boy! Me love you long time …”

    Didn’t realize that inflatable sheep could get pregnant.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Reloader 83,
    Or a reasonable facsimile.

    Not a comment on his looks – a comment on his character.
    (I’m not even the best-looking guy in the room – and I’m the only one here!)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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