Pennsylvania Democrat Commissioner Charged With Raping 15-Year-Old Boy – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Democrat Commissioner Charged With Raping 15-Year-Old Boy

Blue State Conservative: While CNN has grabbed all the headlines for its pedo epidemic, it’s not the only place that’s suffering from a pedo problem.

Rather, it’s a problem that seems to be spanning the country.

Most recently, that horrific problem cropped up in Darby, Pennsylvania, where a Democrat town commissioner turned himself in for a blood-curdling child rape that occurred four years ago.

He has since been charged with rape, sexual assault, and luring, among other, related charges and is being held on a $100k bail. more

13 Comments on Pennsylvania Democrat Commissioner Charged With Raping 15-Year-Old Boy

  1. All the witnesses with commit “suicide,” or the prosecutor won’t file charges, or this news item will simply disappear, likevthe California kids left behind in Afghanistan

  2. “The boy first filed a sexual assault complaint against Smith in April 2019 but an arrest warrant was not issued until November 22, 2021.”

    Why the HELL did it take so long?

  3. Rape is about power and humiliation more than about sex.

    That’s why so many rapists are Democrats, and so many Democrats are rapists.

    They especially get off on forcing the weakest, most vulnerable, most unable to fight back to their perverted will.

    Which is why so many child rapists are Democrats and so many Democrats are child rapists.

    It’s the power that gets them off, the control, the humiliation, amplified by being able to humiliate entire families that were unable to protect their own child.

    That’s what Democrats ARE. That’s what Democrats DO.

    And that’s why Democrats are trying so hard to normalize pedophilia and release rapists or not even prosecute them.

    Becuase that’s what THEY are…

  4. “What’s unclear is why seemingly no action was taken for over two years after the child rape was initially committed.”

    GTFOH, Stevie Wonder could see that one coming. There isn’t a Goddamn thing about why no action was taken that is the least bit in doubt to anyone with at least a halfway functioning brain.

  5. Just like that 15 yr ole republican, they are getting tired of being raped over & over & over. I never knew it is a republican thing about takin it up the rear, kinda like the rear guard. You protect everyone else’s rear but your own.

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