Pennsylvania: DOJ opens investigation into Roman Catholic church – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania: DOJ opens investigation into Roman Catholic church

WJ: The Department of Justice opened an investigation into the Roman Catholic Church in Pennsylvania in response to the state’s grand jury report on sexual abuse.

The DOJ subpoenaed Pennsylvania church leaders last week for their testimonies and for confidential church documents related to cases of alleged sexual abuse.

U.S. Attorney William McSwain of Philadelphia intends to use those files and testimonies to uncover any federal crimes committed by Catholic clergy within the state.

“It’s groundbreaking if we’re going to see one of the U.S. attorneys pursuing the Catholic cases,” chief executive of Child USA Marci Hamilton told The Associated Press. “The federal government has so far been utterly silent on the Catholic cases.”

McSwain issued subpoenas for any evidence that clergy took children across state lines with sexual intentions, instructed others not to report abuse to authorities or used diocesan funds to cover up abuse allegations, reassigned clergy accused of sexual abuse to other parishes, or sent sexual images. read more

7 Comments on Pennsylvania: DOJ opens investigation into Roman Catholic church

  1. About damn time.
    Anyone who hides behind the mantle of God while committing atrocities against the innocent deserves death imo, so this is a good start.

  2. To be on the safe side, they can just round up every CULTolic priest in America and send to a holding cell in Antarctica.

    This pedophile grooming ring needs to be destroyed, burned to the ground and the earth salted.

  3. Yeah, got time for this, but no time for the Clintons?
    No time for Treason?
    The Church is already the most vilified institution on Earth, Christians are fair game for every slur and outrage on the “comedy” front, the Pope is a defender of Perversion and Satan, and … oh, why bother?
    DoJ is following the nihilist/totalitarian fingerposts while ignoring the glaringly obvious.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This development is yet another function of the progressive movement losing gravitas, particularly in New England. Make absolutely no mistake about it this organized criminal sexual abuse is almost exclusively brought to you by the progressive “Catholic” infiltration of The Church. The Kennedy clan was protected by this element within The Church and the perverts in The Church power structure knew the Kennedy Democrat machine had their back. This goes beyond The Church in New England and its tentacles embrace both the northeast Democrat machine and the progressive Catholic infiltration. Ask yourself this if you doubt me: how is it that politicians who actively reject almost all Catholic teaching have been propped up and defended by the Catholic power structure? It is going to get so much bigger than you can imagine as it expands and as the likes of Roger Mahoney are brought under investigation we are going to see that all of the usual suspects who put the stamp of Catholic support on each and every far left cause was intimately involved in this. We will also learn that the public face regarding abortion teaching was not what these Infiltrator Bishops actively were supporting behind the scenes.

    Mark my words, when the roll of the infiltrator covens of fake nuns comes out it ain’t going to be pretty. These cunts are extremely vicious, they have been hiding in the shadows pulling a lot of the strings and they have been involved up to their eyeballs. They are even more insular and cloistered and have taken full advantage of that status to seize immense power. W/o their collusion none of this could have gone down. They are the worst, absolute unadulterated poison.

    Here is a link from Church Militant that is timeky


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