Pennsylvania Ethics Commission Cites Pittsburgh Public School Superintendent Dr. Anthony Hamlet For Numerous Violations – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Ethics Commission Cites Pittsburgh Public School Superintendent Dr. Anthony Hamlet For Numerous Violations

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – The Pennsylvania Ethics Commission found Pittsburgh Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Anthony Hamlet committed ethics violations with expenses and time off for trips. It’s the result of a two-year probe.

The commission found Superintendent Hamlet violated the ethics code with expenses that should have been returned to district coffers. At a press conference Thursday morning, the superintendent said the report has vindicated him.

“I have done nothing wrong. This actually vindicates me,” he said.

Despite being cited for multiple ethics violations and ordered to repay thousands of dollars, Dr. Anthony Hamlet embraced the commission’s findings, saying they cleared him of wrongdoing. According to the 147-page report, the commission cited Hamlet for the following ethics violations: more

SNIP: You can do a little info digging around your school districts, too. You’d be surprised of what you’ll find. And expose.

6 Comments on Pennsylvania Ethics Commission Cites Pittsburgh Public School Superintendent Dr. Anthony Hamlet For Numerous Violations

  1. Is there an ethics commission for looking into ethics violations by ethics commissioners? The PA commishes were collecting their paychecks all along for TWO FREAKIN’ YEARS while “investigating” the crooked and corrupt superintendent?

  2. Pittsburg, PA.
    Anyone surprised?
    Raise your hands … c’mon … raise em.

    I’d bet you could find this in EVERY medium to large city in America.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Welcome to the biggest disease that’s infecting America for more than half a century: education systems, source of 99% of today problems in this once great country.

  4. It wouldn’t BE Pittsburgh schools, without an INEPT (or CORRUPT) superintendent. 🙄

    This job is ALWAYS the next-to-last resume item for a Pittsburgh superintendent. It always precedes, “LICENSE PLATE STAMPER.” 🤭


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