Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf tests positive for the coronavirus – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf tests positive for the coronavirus

Washington Times: Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf said Wednesday that he tested positive for the coronavirus during a routine test.

“I have no symptoms and am feeling well and I am in isolation at home,” Mr. Wolf tweeted. “As this virus rages, my positive test is a reminder that no one is immune from COVID.”

The Democratic governor said he is following federal and state health guidelines regarding COVID-19. He said his wife, Frances, has also been tested and is quarantining at home with him while they wait for the test results. more

23 Comments on Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf tests positive for the coronavirus

  1. “I have no symptoms and am feeling well …. ”

    I think this is probably the most common type of covid case, one that people wouldn’t even know thy had if not tested for it.

  2. The same people who demanded mail in ballots because CORONA!11! didn’t mind the 100+ people touching them, sweating on them, putting them in their armpits to hold aside, handling them with the same gloves they used to peed with just before they sent the ballots for delivery.
    Look at your mail carrier tomorrow. What do you think he or she was doing before they showed up to your house?

  3. The story reported Wuff saying, “Following all precautions as I have done is not a guarantee, but it is what we know to be vital to stopping the spread of the disease,” he said.

    Oh, the irony! WTF??

  4. It’s also time for seasonal allergies – do those show positive too?
    The more “+ tests with no symptoms” I see the more these tests look like random bullshit.
    How can you be sick and have no symptoms?

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