Pennsylvania House Speaker seeks ‘full audit’ of election returns before certification – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania House Speaker seeks ‘full audit’ of election returns before certification

Just The News: Pennsylvania House Speaker Bryan Cutler is calling for a “full audit” of the presidential election returns in the state before the results are certified.

In his letter to Gov. Tom Wolf requesting the audit on Friday, Cutler, a Republican, cited the Oct. 21 guidance from Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar about allowing individuals with rejected mail-in ballots to vote with a provisional ballot as a way to “cure” their ballot. 

A follow-up guidance sent to counties on Nov. 2 advised county election officials to inform “party and candidate representatives” about the identity of the voters whose ballots had been rejected as a way “to facilitate communication with these voters.”

“Very serious equal protection rights issues now exist due to the disparate treatment of voters from different counties,” Cutler wrote in the letter. read more

Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016.

10 Comments on Pennsylvania House Speaker seeks ‘full audit’ of election returns before certification

  1. We will see if it happens, and I imagine the results will be interesting if it does.

    BTW, what exactly would a “full audit” consist of in PA and how would it be conducted and by who?

  2. This fraud was done with so little time, there has to be mountains of evidence if only impartial people can have access, (as required by law, but the law doesn’t apply to democrats). A complete hand recount is needed.

  3. Since it is nonsensical to simply shove the same ballots into the counting machines — which would give the same, earlier, results, I imagine there must be another counting method that is being used.

  4. ” … there must be another counting method that is being used.”

    I wouldn’t assume that, not without verifying it.

    It wouldn’t make sense to use the same kind of counting, but so far in this election I haven’t seen a whole lot that does.

  5. I want to see them come up with all the late arriving ballots they were supposed to segregate and count separately. You can assume they didn’t do it to screw up the election real good. SCOTUS should invalidate the whole clusterfuck.


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