Pennsylvania judge removes school board members following parent petition on COVID masks – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania judge removes school board members following parent petition on COVID masks

Just The News: A Pennsylvania judge has ordered the removal of five school board members in the West Chester area, following a resident petition opposing the members’ support of COVID-19 mask requirements.

Judge William Mahon, of Chester County, on Tuesday said five members – Sue Tiernan, Joyce Chester, Kate Shaw, Karen Herrmann and Daryl Durnell – were removed after failing to respond to the petition, which was filed in February. 

The petition was filed by a West Chester parent who heads the Back to School PA political action committee, which is backed by a donor in Bucks County who also is funding school board races across the state. 

An attorney for the school board members says he will be filing a petition to reconsider.

Similar petitions are pending in several other Chester County school districts.

“I did not believe they had the legal authority to mask our children,” said Beth Ann Rosica, the parent at the head of the petition said. “I want to ensure they will never be forcibly masked again.” read more

5 Comments on Pennsylvania judge removes school board members following parent petition on COVID masks

  1. @Different Tim April 2, 2022 at 1:14 pm

    > That will get school boards attention nationwide.

    Oh yahs. Fer shurs. When The Party pays proven loyal Party members, to yammer at proven loyal Party members, so proven loyal Party members, can “discover” all proven loyal Party members have always been loyal, then… THEN… things’ll change.

    But, they BETTER get it done. Before I have to vote all over their asses! For loyal Party members. Slated because they are proven loyal to the Party. According to The Party rules. Subject to change without notice.

    And, in case you’re doubting the intensity of my loyalty, I’ll do it! Yes I will!

  2. @AbigailAdams April 2, 2022 at 3:19 pm

    > There are several very good writing classes, for free, on the internets. Take one.

    You claim to apprehend. But are offended by the form.

    Goddess Bless(TM) universal suffrage.

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