Pennsylvania Lawmakers File Lawsuit in Court Against the State’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Mail-In Ballot Laws – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Lawmakers File Lawsuit in Court Against the State’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Mail-In Ballot Laws

Becker News

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was one of the key battleground states that was awarded to now-President Joe Biden after the contentious 2020 election. But now, state lawmakers are finally doing their job and contesting what they claim is an ‘unconstitutional’ mail-in ballot law in order to prevtent another election debacle in the 2022 mid-terms. read more

5 Comments on Pennsylvania Lawmakers File Lawsuit in Court Against the State’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Mail-In Ballot Laws

  1. I can’t WAIT ’til that gets to ME.

    (Rummages around in drawer)

    Ah, HERE it is.

    Gots me a new stamp for these. Saves a lot of time.

    (Stamps a Post-It)

    See what it says there?


    I got a half-dozen of these, figure I’m gonna wear them out pretty fast, but Mr. Soros says I probably won’t need them after 2022 for some reason, and says he’s got some SPECIAL kids just for ME if I keep helping him till then. I can’t wait…

  2. “It is the latest attempt by Republicans to invalidate the 2019 law that GOP lawmakers almost unanimously supported.”

    Is there something wrong with this picture? I seem to have lost control of both the horizontal and vertical.

    Can’t do it on the floor of their own legislature so they’re counting on the judiciary?

    After supporting the law to begin with.

    Okay, maybe it’s just me.

  3. “Every American Generation must fight for (and create) a new government whenever necessary,… replacing any obviously deliberate, and apparent gangster/criminal/lie-ridden, institutionalized, unelected cartel of tyrants.

    This must flourish whenever America’s current government no longer demonstrates accordance with, ignores, and spits upon, Our Constitution and Our Bill of Rights, and who have stooped to the level of a conniving, accessory-bloated and destructive enemy within.”

    …An old United States, West Virginian citizen, unspoken belief.


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