Pennsylvania made nursing homes accept COVID patients, but health secretary’s mom was moved to hotel – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania made nursing homes accept COVID patients, but health secretary’s mom was moved to hotel

Around 70 percent of all coronavirus deaths in the state are in nursing homes.

Just The News: Pennsylvania’s secretary of Health revealed this week that her 95-year-old mother was transferred from a nursing home facilities into a hotel – as the state government was ordering those facilities to accept patients who had tested positive with the coronavirus. 

PA Secretary of Health Rachel Levine -official photo

SNIP: Yes. You are seeing what you think you’re seeing.

51 Comments on Pennsylvania made nursing homes accept COVID patients, but health secretary’s mom was moved to hotel

  1. So, another indicator why you don’t want the left-wing to have anything to do with your health care, or make decisions for you.

    Let me check my Excel document….Oh, a Trump supporter? Yeah, he can stay in the nursing home with Covid patients….

  2. seriously … Pennsyltucky put in charge of their Health Care a person that does not even begin to understand their birth gender?!?!?

    … yeah, that’s who I want to make MY health care decisions … what could go wrong?

    great … next year the Steelers will be renamed the Squealers

  3. I am sorry…. I cannot stop laughing every time I come back to this image. This guy cannot for a nanosecond, really believe that he is gir…… wxman. This is ALL a ploy to see what we (people) will fall for…. This cat is as homely as they come! I have known and had great relationships with less than beautiful women…… but this cat ain’t one.

  4. Guaranteed He will frame this as being a Saint who moved His mom to make room for the sick at great personal expense.

    Now, can someone tell me how to clean Barf off my keyboard.

  5. Barf or should I say bark??

    To @Richard Cranium reading out there? Phoning a friend here? Can you come up with a description for this one similar along to the word YOU said, ‘cunty’ for Witmer or other? But for a transgender this time?

    Cunty is one for the Ages.

  6. Hey @Bill Clinton^^^ -“I would ‘hit that’ with a lampshade’ on – Hillary ROTTEN Clinton, unsincerely, your ‘professional relationship’.

    Like I threw the lampshade at YOU?

  7. People suffering psychosis are to be pitied, they are not to be given positions of responsibility in government.
    A borrowed observation but an accurate one: Some day this person is going to wake up screaming, and never stop.

  8. “What’s the best thing that ever came out of Pennsylvania?”

    “An empty Greyhound bus!”

    (overheard at a Pennsylvania State Society meeting – no kidding)
    (a lot of great people drinking a lot – having a good time)

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Yer on the highway that leads to the shadowy tip of reality: yer on route 666 to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable. Go as far as you like on this road, its limits are only those of the mind itself. Ladies and Gentlemen, you’re entering the wondrous dimension of The Twilight Zone, ZIP code: One Four Oh Hell No, cuz THIS is whut democRATz put in charge of other people’s lives!!

  10. I will not comply and refer to this creature as a female.
    It is not. It needs help and by continuing to support it’s twisted view of itself is to continue the charade.

  11. ^^^ I’m pretty sure that 500 years from now archeologists aren’t going to be saying: “Hmmmm… I wonder whut gender this one identified with?”

    OTH, whut they might say: “Oh look! Here’s a male skeleton with women’s clothing on it… yup that pegs it at early 21st century!”

  12. His name was Richard, but he cut off the Dick for Rachel.
    He’s a child psychologist, who graduated from Penn State Medical Center.
    His thesis was “Jerry Sandusky & The Slippery Soap.”


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