Pennsylvania Proves Our Elections Are Corrupt – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Proves Our Elections Are Corrupt

Dave McCormick needs undated mail-in ballots to win and suddenly they appear!

Emerald Robinson: The 2022 Pennsylvania Primary has exposed the utter delusion of Republicans who thought the stolen 2020 election could be safely ignored. Once Trump was off the ballot — they told us — all of these “election abnormalities” would disappear. Our normal election system would “return to normal.” I heard this countless times in 2020 and 2021 from educated people who turned out to be complete fools.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The 2020 election was simply the most obvious example of how brazenly fraudulent our election process had become — and since no meaningful reforms have been enacted, the same cheating is happening again. This time, the mail ballot vendor printed the wrong ID code on 22,000 ballots — if you can believe it.

The thing is: I can believe it. They’re not even trying to hide the corruption anymore.

Let’s repeat the worst four words in the English language for liberals: President Trump was right. more

8 Comments on Pennsylvania Proves Our Elections Are Corrupt

  1. @SNS, yes, that’s why the GOP never went after democrats for their cheating. Because it would expose them at the same time. If they were honest they would go after democrats for cheating more than them. But I suppose once you cheat it doesn’t matter the level of it, cheating is cheating, it all results in thieving.

  2. ecp
    MAY 24, 2022 AT 2:59 PM

    Cheating is how Ohio ended up with Demican DeWine in 2018, and if you saw just his Coof heavyhandedness and how he violated election law and Ohio Supreme Court orders to help Pedo Biden win HIS primary, you’d have to ask what a Democrat Communist governor would have done DIFFERENT…

  3. Who’s down for helping me photocopy 29 million mail-in ballots this fall?! If fucknut Biteme can win PA by that margin, we can elect someone better than the slimy Dr. Oooze by that same margin!!!

  4. When I heard Hugh Hewitt(solid GOPe) was behind McCormick, even had him on for a tongue bath, I knew that voter fraud was gonna go down when I saw he was in last place.

    It’s happening now.

    Further, when Kathy surged to first place and both sides were throwing slurs, you knew when she eventually faded(she had to of course) it was because voters suddenly came to their senses rather than the truth which is co-ordinated fraud.

    Now we can’t even bank on at least getting representation in the primary. It’s amazing JD and Geietens are in. Guarantee you Mitch is already working to insure that neither wins.

  5. Honest votes are cancer. Mathematical, inescapable, cancer.

    So. What should I think of people that prostrate themselves, and throw my (unborn) granchildren’s wallets? At feminists that shriek, hysterically, about the dishonesty? Of the voat?

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