Pennsylvania: Trump urges support for Candidate, then slaps NBC’s Chuck Todd around – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania: Trump urges support for Candidate, then slaps NBC’s Chuck Todd around

FOX: President Donald Trump, in a wide-ranging set of remarks at a Pennsylvania campaign rally for congressional candidate Rick Saccone, urged support for the GOP hopeful. He also said that the Democrat in the race, Conor Lamb, was likely to vote the party line despite efforts to distance himself from the national party.

And, on another note, he took a swipe at NBC host Chuck Todd at the Saturday-night event, calling the news anchor a “son of a b—–”

The president mentioned a 1999 appearance on “Meet the Press” where he can be seen talking about North Korea and his stance on the situation,  which has remained the same since: “You got to take them out now!”

“It’s 1999, I’m on “Meet the Press,” a show now headed by sleepy-eyes Chuck Todd,” Trump said. “He’s a sleeping son of a b—-, I’ll tell you.”

Trump also took the opportunity to slam CNN for its coverage over his decision to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“Fake as hell CNN. The worst. So fake.”

Trump was speaking at a campaign rally in Moon Township, Pa., in a show of support for Saccone, who is facing a tough special congressional election outside of Pittsburgh.  more here

20 Comments on Pennsylvania: Trump urges support for Candidate, then slaps NBC’s Chuck Todd around

  1. Not too long ago the media were all bent out of shape because they thought Trump was going to start a war with North Korea without even bothering to try to negotiate. So now Trump has offered to talk with North Korea and yesterday I read a news article fretting that his doing so might “legitimize” the Kim Jong Un regime.

    Give me a ****ing break.

  2. Todd is in high dudgeon this morning. This un-American attack on the Press (of which he considers himself), the very thing that ensures our Freedom, is like North Korea.

    Here’s Jeff Flake, who is a short-timer and irrelevant on every issue, to agree with me.

    Tim Russert is rolling in his grave at what this little prison pussy mouthed bitch boy and David Gregory at MSNBC’s direction have done to his legacy.

  3. It wasn’t even a month ago that they were all chortling to themselves at how brilliant Kim Jong Un’s beautiful and sexy, not to mention smart and inspirational, sister was for “casting shade” at Mike Pence at the Olympics.

    Fuck them.

  4. I see that the progs are all in a tizzy that Pres Trump will meet with The Pot Bellied Dictator. They think we are hypocrites because we were opposed to Obozo doing the same. But here is the difference: Trump is looking out for American interests, where Barry was trying to destroy America.

  5. Geez Don, isn’t belittling Upchuck Todd like picking on the retarded kid in school? Poor Chuckie. Showed up unarmed at a battle of wits. Oh well, as long as Chuckie dutifully reads Soros’ daily memoroids he’ll continue to get paid.

  6. Poor Todd, seems he cannot take the same kind of attention he gives President Trump.
    O’Baja thought slyly giving some one the finger was cute.
    We now have a president who throws it in their face.

  7. Anyone else zero in on POTUS Trump’s trial balloon on the death penalty for drug dealers? If you’re not familiar with his approach to “scary” ideas/proposals, this is exactly what he does. He gives examples (China, SoKo), then he says, “I don’t know” (like he’s skeptically thinking aloud). Then he gets insta-poll by asking the huge crowd, “What do you think?!”

    Look for a new proposal soon that seeks the death penalty for drug dealers. Not kidding.

  8. …these are the first hits on YT regarding drug dealers’ death penalty.

    I didn’t realize he’s been hard on the subject of death penalty for dealers for the past week+.

    I also looked up who/what/where for the Office of Drug Control Policy. Trump mentioned that “everyone wants to be on a blue ribbon commission to endlessly study our drug problem…” He’s right, you know. I looked at the meeting minutes from the ODCP and most of their speakers are people involved in addiction. Not a bad thing in itself, but the focus needs to be on prevention. The ODCP got $32 BILLION dollars/year that go out to communities in the form of grants. Another $32 billion down the rat hole, lining the pockets of “community leaders.”

  9. Remember Shari Lewis, and her puppet, “Lambchop?”

    That’s what I’ve been calling the democrap in this race the whole time – “LAMBCHOP!” With Nancy Pelosi’s fist up his @$$!

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