Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Exposes Anti-Trump Postmaster’s Illegal Order To Back-Date Ballots – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Exposes Anti-Trump Postmaster’s Illegal Order To Back-Date Ballots

Project Veritas.

10 Comments on Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Exposes Anti-Trump Postmaster’s Illegal Order To Back-Date Ballots

  1. MMinAR — I’m going to listen to your linked presentation later this morning, but just from the description of it’s contents I have to wonder why this fellow hasn’t testified before Congress on this. Or, if he has, why nothing has been done about his information.

  2. Where the Hell is Barr and the Justice Department on all of this?
    Sorry, just kidding. Why would we expect any action from them after what we’ve seen for the last close to four years.

  3. Anyone can say anything and accuse anyone of anything, but where’s the evidence?

    Evidence as in the kind that can be used as proof of the accusation in court.

    Without that it is meaningless.

  4. The Post Office should not be involved in the election process except for absentee ballots in case of sickness or extreme disability.
    (contrary to popular belief, being a democRAT is not enough of a disability)
    The biggest reason I say this is that there are no Ballot Observers to oversee the process! They can get away with all kinds of skullduggery in absolute privacy! This is an abslute Third-World travesty!!

  5. TRF — Any voting method that separates the voter and the ballot from verifiable counting is too sketchy. I cannot understand anyone voting “online”, for example. We should be very leary of methods which are easily manipulated, I agree. And mail-in voting does not give the voter “validation” of any kind that who they voted for is what was recorded. All you can be assured of — or what they tell you — is that your vote was received and counted. But that’s only as trustworthy as the people running the mail-in operation.

  6. AA – Thank you – I would further qualify my statement of absentee ballots in that if they are only limited to sickness or disability, it represents a relatively small number not large enough to attract tampering. As soon as it is made into something more universal, it becomes a very significant factor to invite cheating and influence an election!


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