Pennsylvania voters describe irregularities in mail-in, absentee ballot process – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania voters describe irregularities in mail-in, absentee ballot process

Just The News: The U.S. saw record numbers of mail-in votes cast in the 2020 election, driven largely by voter concerns that crowded polling places and long lines could act as major spreading centers for COVID-19. 

Activists and public officials in the months leading up to the Nov. 3 election launched major informational campaigns and voting drives to help as many people as possible vote via mail. A reported 65 million ballots were cast by mail in the 2020 election, far outstripping earlier years. 

Along with that major shift in voting methods came the predictable headaches associated with moving a huge percentage of voters over to voting-by-mail, including numerous reports of voters receiving multiple mail-in ballots — in some cases even when none was requested — as well as voters not receiving requested ballots in time for the election. 

Voting irregularities in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania — where Joe Biden leads President Trump by just over 1% — have reportedly been widespread. Matt Braynard, former Trump Campaign Director of Data and Strategy and presently the leader of the Voter Integrity Project, reported this week and confirmed to Just the News on Tuesday that the Voter Integrity Project had reached hundreds of voters who experienced issues with their mail-in ballots. 

“Among 1706 respondents we reached whom the state said were sent an absentee ballot, 556 said they never requested it,” Braynard said this week.

“And of the 1137 who did request the ballot, 453 said they mailed back yet the state did not receive or count them,” he added. read more

3 Comments on Pennsylvania voters describe irregularities in mail-in, absentee ballot process

  1. “…record numbers of mail-in votes cast in the 2020 election, driven largely by voter concerns that crowded polling places and long lines could act as major spreading centers for COVID-19”

    Mail-in voting was done to enable a fraudulent election.
    And the covid hysteria was fueled and maintained in order to “necessitate” the mail in subterfuge.

  2. Why were the problems primarily in “blue” states and the worst in “battleground states”?

    In WY (which unfortunately only has 3 EC votes) voting was orderly, no nonsense at the polls, and tabulation wrapped up swiftly and beyond reproach. As planned, as specified by law. It didn’t happen that way because we’re geniuses, it’s just that we’re not despicable thieving liars, as apparently our fellow Americans are in PA, GA, WI and MI.

    There should be a HUGE outcry from ALL states demanding that they live up to their responsibilities as fellow citizens. Shame on ALL the shitweasel pols, D and R, who are filthy in their corruption.


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