Pensacola Naval Shooter Had Filed A Report For Being Called ‘Porn Stache’ – IOTW Report

Pensacola Naval Shooter Had Filed A Report For Being Called ‘Porn Stache’


We now have a bit more information about the shooter that killed three people at the Naval Air Station Pensacola last week…

According to Fox News, the man had filed a report to his instructors earlier in the year because he was “infuriated” with his nickname… “Porn Stash“.

Apparently he had been called the term by his teacher during a meteorology class back in April. more

21 Comments on Pensacola Naval Shooter Had Filed A Report For Being Called ‘Porn Stache’

  1. I bet his instructor from the meteorological class is
    A. Reprimanded
    B. Written up
    C. Mandated diversity/sensitivity training
    D. All of the above

    Who knew these Jihadis were as sensitive as our own college kids?

  2. Yes, yes. Poor him. The motel short-sheeted him, the radio station wouldn’t play his favorite song, McDonald’s messed up his order, and the waitress called him a cheap tipper. So, you know, everyone must die.

  3. Well this is coming from NYT whatever that is worth. And guess what everyone gets nicknames they don’t like. As if this is a reason to go murder people. Sounds more like a cover for the real reason – ISLAM.

    “I was infuriated as to why he would say that in front of the class,” The New York Times quoted Mohammed Alshamrani as saying in his report.

  4. @MJA December 11, 2019 at 8:51 am

    > The motel short-sheeted him, … So, you know, everyone must die.

    Funny. But, you know…

    I don’t really care why anybody gets off the couch. Out of McRibs… Frooty nick-name… Mohammad told him so… Anybody who does to those that call me “enemy”, before they can do to “us”, is my ally.

    If that means I must welcome my new, beardy overlords… It could be is already worse.

  5. Yes, the poor, poor muslim was a victim of toxic masculinity at a military base. I guarandamntee you that the pentagon reaction will be to forbid nicknames at all military bases and academies. Because snowflakes.

  6. It’s a funny thing about Arabs & Muslims: It’s so easy to offend their “honor”. Thing is, they have none. They lie, cheat, steal, and betray at will. But the worst thing YOU can do to them is to point out their perfidy. What they really have is Ego. And their egos are very easily damaged because they feel like they are always looked down upon. Perhaps for good reason.

  7. Lance o Lot – Right you are, but when it comes right down to it that “Ego” is actually an inferiority complex on steroids! Deep down they know what they really are behind that facade of “honor” and it comes out as pure hatred and then cowardice when they’re not in a pack.

  8. Still better than the “goat butt” and “Pork breath” that his buddies got.

    He was pissed off that “Maverick” or “Goose” were already taken.

    We used to call them all fuc–n ragheads when I was in the land of the big (and hot) sand.

  9. so now in addition to using Filthy Mohammedan Savage as an insult, we now have to add Porn ‘Stache to our litany of insults when we are referring to or talking to Filthy Mohammedan Savages, male or female.


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