Pentagon: “Chinese Spy” balloon carried explosives to self-detonate – IOTW Report

Pentagon: “Chinese Spy” balloon carried explosives to self-detonate

PM: Following the shooting down of a Chinese spy balloon over the weekend, Pentagon officials have revealed that the balloon potentially was carrying explosives to destroy itself.

According to the Daily Mail, Air Force Gen. Glen D. VanHerck, commander of US Northern Command, revealed in a Monday call with reporters that the Balloon, in addition to potentially carrying explosives, was 200 feet tall, weighed thousands of pounds, and its payload was the size of a jetliner.

VanHerck’s comments came following a briefing by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, who defended Biden’s decision to wait to shoot down the balloon until the weekend.

“Because the president decided they wouldn’t shoot it down until he could do so safely, and that meant over water, that afforded us a terrific opportunity to gain a better understanding, to study the capabilities of this balloon,” Kirby said.

On the coast of South Carolina on Saturday afternoon, the US military, using an F-22 fighter jet, shot down the balloon with a missile. MORE

22 Comments on Pentagon: “Chinese Spy” balloon carried explosives to self-detonate

  1. Well par for the course. The explosives didn’t work. Or they would have used them. The Chinese a dumber than a box of rocks.
    On another note, an F22 has a gun/cannon. Why did we spend 10 mil on an Am9x shooting that damn thing down?

  2. Just gathering data for the launch.
    So Biden let it traverse the entire US.
    More data points.
    He already gave them all the “Top Secret” documents for when and where.

  3. The Chinese planned to blow up evidence in case US civilians shot it down to investigate.
    Since Potatohead let it fly over all areas they wanted to search, the Chinks let the US military blow cash to dispense of all evidence.

    Win/win/win/ China v Lose/lose/lose America thanks to Traitor Shitpants.

    Why blow it up after the continental tour, it should have been grabbed for inspection. Even bidenopoulos the Idiot could’ve conceived that if he weren’t paid by our rivals.

    Decapitated him yesterday already.

    And BTW, FUCK the GOP for continuing to pretend they’re not in biden’s diaper with him.

  4. po·ten·tial·ly
    with the capacity to develop or happen in the future:
    “newly available oil might potentially create a drop in prices” · “a potentially dangerous situation”

    It either did carry explosives or it didn’t carry explosives. More scare tactics. Saying that the balloon potentially carried yorkie puppies is as relevant to reality as the headline of the article and the information provided by the military scaremonger.

  5. TY mystaclean

    Another post where the headline doesn’t match the text and makes a “scary” declaration that isn’t in the story.

    And then we run with that all the way down the field.

    Sometimes, people. Sometimes.

  6. The bullshit just gets thicker with each passing day. By Friday, the balloon will have Covid Dust on its payload.

    How’s things in Ukraine? They got them tanks yet?

  7. So the payload weighed “thousands of pounds”?
    How much does a 20 megaton nuke weigh?
    Something that big should have been detected and shot down as soon as it entered US airspace off the pacific coast.

  8. It floated across Montana, Wyoming and Nebraska, but we couldn’t shoot it down because it damage people and property. That don’t pass the smell test. You know what else is on that route? Multiple missle sites.

  9. Ok, it’s a balloon, couldn’t we have just popped it with a small holes and let it come down easy? If it self-destructed oh well.
    ‘Top men’ couldn’t figure this out somehow.


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