Pentagon drops mandatory COVID-19 vax for troops – IOTW Report

Pentagon drops mandatory COVID-19 vax for troops

WaTimes: The Pentagon dropped its COVID-19 vaccination mandate on Tuesday, a policy that resulted in thousands of service members being forced out of the military over their refusal to get the shot.

The order from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is a result of the fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, signed by President Biden, that ordered the Defense Department to end the controversial mandate Mr. Austin signed in August 2021 at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

“No individuals currently serving in the Armed Forces shall be separated solely on the basis of their refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination if they sought an accommodation on religious, administrative or medical grounds,” Mr. Austin wrote in Tuesday’s memorandum for senior Pentagon leadership.

However, commanders will be allowed to consider a service member’s immunization status in making deployments, assignments and other operational decisions — including when vaccination is required to travel to a foreign country, the Defense Department said.

Under the mandate, troops were forced out of the military for failing to obey a lawful order. Former personnel will be allowed to petition the Defense Department to request a correction to their personnel records, including the characterization of their discharge.  more

11 Comments on Pentagon drops mandatory COVID-19 vax for troops

  1. Sure, after the damage has been done. The good guys who refused the jab were drummed out, and the guys that got vaxed are still in, with a ticking time bomb in their veins. Mission accomplished!

  2. Austin and the joint Chiefs, have chosen a cowardly, less honorable approach to correcting a FAILED Presidential Policy subjecting military personnel to an untested, experimental injection that has been proven Harmful, causing multiple medical problems and proven to be ineffective.

    What about all the Service members forced out of the Military, Lost careers, destroyed families, lost retirements. Is there no reinstatement and restitution for what has happened to them.

    Isn’t doing the HONORABLE action, after a failure of leadership policy, to even consider reinstatement for those you destroyed?

    I don’t expect the Sec. Def. or the Joint Chiefs to act in an Honorable fashion, after all they are so far removed from real leadership, they are Political Appointed Perfumed Princes who led the failure of the mass evacuation of Afghanistan. They didn’t have a plan, left allies, US Citizens and $80 Billion dollars of military equipment as the disorganized Military fled.

    The Political Perfumed Princes are still at the pentagon creating ignorant decisions, following WOK Ideology, teaching appropriate Pro-Nouns and the cult of Climate Change.

    Cowards, the lot of them.

  3. Our military leadership is a total disgrace. They are all working for the Chinese Communist Party. When I was in SAC, Communists were targeted for nuclear vaporization. We should have done it when we had the chance.

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