Pentagon issues sex change manual, allows extended time off for process – IOTW Report

Pentagon issues sex change manual, allows extended time off for process

WT: The U.S. military has a manual for everything, from how to dress to how to wage war.

Now the Pentagon has sent out a detailed written instruction to commanders on how a service member can change his or her sex in a step-by-step process that allows for extended time off.

The directive restricts personnel from living their “preferred gender” lifestyle, or “Real Life Experience,” on a military base among peers until the sex change transition is complete.   more here

14 Comments on Pentagon issues sex change manual, allows extended time off for process

  1. anesthesia – rubber mallet applied to head

    surgeon – veterinary student in the bottom 10th of the class

    Please can someone go check a grave at Arlington for me? I think my father is rolling around in his coffin so hard the ground is quaking.

  2. The greatest force in history on planet earth, the US Military, continues to be the social experiment play ground of the leftist democrats.

    Ever chipping away at the supporting pillars has weakened the structure. I feel this is all part of the leftist’s grand plan. The democrats of the last 30 years have all swung the hammers chiseling away at the tenants that make the military great.

  3. If a person’s mental state is out of sync with the body (including the genes), why do they always want or need to change the body? Why don’t they get therapy to address their mental disorder? And for the love of God leave the rest of us alone.

  4. Until the sex change transition takes place! That would be never! Hey, you stupid fools it is settled science. Men are men and women are women and never the twain shall meet! If they cut off a Gorillas dick would that make him Mooch?

  5. The whole concept is bad enough to start with but it gets worse in that it is the taxpayers dime that pays for it all. I assume the appropriate course work will be added to the Military Academies (as well as Command & Staff schools) to indoctrinate, whoops, train officers to handle these situations. What a ghastly waste of time, energy and, especially, resources. And this is supposed to increase our military preparedness? SNAFU!!!

  6. How much time do they get off from work if they just go fuck themselves? It’s pretty certain that is what most tax payers would suggest they do instead.

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