Pentagon revises Ukraine aid ‘accounting error’ – IOTW Report

Pentagon revises Ukraine aid ‘accounting error’

RT: The US military has said it overestimated the value of arms transferred to Ukraine by more than $6 billion over the last two years, more than doubling the Pentagon’s original assessment first disclosed in earlier this year.

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh revised the figure during a Tuesday press conference, telling reporters that US aid was overvalued by $6.2 billion, including $2.6 billion last year and another $3.6 billion in 2023.

“In a significant number of cases, services used replacement costs rather than net book value, thereby overestimating the value of the equipment drawn down from US stocks and provided to Ukraine,” she said.  more here

8 Comments on Pentagon revises Ukraine aid ‘accounting error’

  1. “have no idea where all this money is going.”
    “almost zero” sense of where arms end up”
    That’s the whole point.
    As for the money, I’m sure some of it slid into congress pockets.

  2. gee, sounds like another Hunter Biden drug-fueled, underage hooker laden spending spree … don’t forget the 10% for the Big Guy

    so glad the depleted US armed forces (now w/ more wokeness!®️) don’t need that ‘error’

  3. Few billion here a few there.
    Pretty soon it starts to add up and turn into some serious money.
    Is there one person in the government thinking, you know maybe it’s time we stop spending money we don’t have?

  4. If you spend money you don’t have (debt), how do you account for saving money?

    I’ll try that accounting method at home and see what happens.

    Only a corrupt, indebted Government can do this with no consequences.

    Speaker McCarthy, line one, Speaker McCarthy, line one, Speaker McCarthy? Nowhere to be found.


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