Pentagon: Ukraine Is not Able to Retake Crimea – IOTW Report

Pentagon: Ukraine Is not Able to Retake Crimea

BLP: In a classified briefing from earlier this month, four senior Defense Department officials informed the House Armed Services Committee that Ukrainian forces are unlikely to retake Crimea from Russia. 

POLITICO reported that this bleak assessment for Ukraine was spelled out by three individuals who possess knowledge of the material featured in the February 2 briefing. Based on the material presented, the Pentagon doesn’t see Ukraine taking back Crimea anytime soon.  

A fourth individual claimed the briefing was more ambiguous on the matter. However, the main point about Ukraine not being able to retake Crimea with ease remained. 

The briefers not-so optimistic view is similar to that of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who expressed similar sentiments on January 20 during a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Germany. 

The assessment from the briefers echoes what Gen. Mark Milley, the Joint Chiefs chair, has alluded to in recent weeks. MORE

11 Comments on Pentagon: Ukraine Is not Able to Retake Crimea

  1. interesting …

  2. ^^^^^

    Interesting comment…of course, Paulus did get to Moscow…as a POW.

    Anybody got any ideas what the Russians will do to Zapalensky if they catch him? Although he’ll probably flee to Paris or London or New York long before The Ukraine finally crashes and the Russkies come-a-knockin at his door.


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