Pentagon: Ukraine to receive anti-armor rockets, nearly 200 “heavy machine guns.” – IOTW Report

Pentagon: Ukraine to receive anti-armor rockets, nearly 200 “heavy machine guns.”

JTN: Ukrainian fighting forces will receive a fresh round of heavy munitions from the U.S. to assist in the country’s fight against Russian invaders, the Pentagon announced Friday. MORE

14 Comments on Pentagon: Ukraine to receive anti-armor rockets, nearly 200 “heavy machine guns.”

  1. I wonder what would happen if the Biden Admin stopped all military aid. Would the Ukrainian government in retaliation release information that would show how corrupt the Biden family is?

  2. The truest satirical commentary on politicians comes from Blazing Saddles: “We’ve got to protect our phony baloney jobs, gentlemen!”

    In the case of Ukraine “We’ve got to protect our one stop money laundering shop, gentlemen!”

    The American people have absolutely no interest whatsoever in this conflict. It ain’t our circus and those aren’t our monkeys.

  3. Hey Mika
    Hey Joe

    This is how you Peace Talk.

    If Ukraine comes to the negotiation table
    Putin will let Zelenskyyy live

    Bonus Points: Alexandre Vindman should be tried for the High Crime of Impersonating an Air Defense Minister and the missing weapons charges too.

  4. “The Department of Defense said”….Wow, why won’t the gutless, Perfumed, political Princes (Joint Chiefs) have a Press conference and answer questions? These are the same Generals who did not forcefully speak against Biden’s Failed retreat from Afghanistan. Abandoning Arms, specialized equipment and Americans who were not able to get to the Airport due to a hastily, ill advised US Surrender. How many Americans and Afghan advisors are still alive and unable to leave?

    Are the Perfumes Princes, or are they not, aware that Ukraine’s fighting force has been significantly depleted, entire cities are completely destroyed, over 200 Thousand have been Killed, and the $Billions we send are not accounted for?

    It is a battle of attrition. Russia has 120+ thousand warriors and nearly unlimited weapons of destruction for the Spring Offensive.

    Another Foreign blunder for Biden and his gutless Politically Appointed Perfumed Princes who will not face the American public and explain Biden’s decision to fund a failed “proxy war”, but patriotic effort by Ukraine? In this case, what may be right doesn’t always win, but “Might” wins wars (Not that the Joint Chiefs, Nato and EU have any expertise in winning wars.) If the idea is truly about Winning, send the best and most tools we possess to win. Nato member states and the US should have Warriors on the ground to thwart the Russian Army. That is “If” their strategy is winning at all, Send the most advanced lethal resources and personnel.

    “The Department of Defense said”, doesn’t cut it !!!

  5. If there is no will to win, what’s the point of the death and carnage inflicted on both sides. I doubt US, many Nato members and the EU would provide numerous brigades of their Warriors to Face the Russian juggernaut and defeat them.

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