People keep asking Hillary where she stands on the Keystone XL pipeline – IOTW Report

People keep asking Hillary where she stands on the Keystone XL pipeline



BigGovernment- Come on, people! It’s not as if President Obama’s blind intransigence has been costing Americans thousands of good jobs, putting our energy independence at risk, and menacing the environment with oil spills from rail transports. It’s not as if Hillary Clinton used to be in charge of the department that has supposedly spent years studying the issue, rejecting every study that says the pipeline is environmentally sound and economically necessary with claims that further studies are forever needed.

Oh, wait, it’s exactly like that. In fact, Hillary herself was bloviating about her mastery of the State Department and its Keystone analysis just yesterday. Politico reports on her wheezy filibuster of a pipeline question from Iowa: 

15 Comments on People keep asking Hillary where she stands on the Keystone XL pipeline

  1. How can the libs be against something that in every aspect is environmental safer then the current system we have to move oil without a pipeline?
    1. Engineers in the 1970s designed and built the pipeline across very the inhospitable terrain of Alaska to move oil. There have been no catastrophic failures there since it went into service and has not been the detriment to environment that the loons screamed it would. Constructing a similar pipeline in a much
    less hostile environment now with advances in materials and construction since the 70s would make a new pipeline even safer
    2. meanwhile every day 100s of trains criss cross the nation with rolling stock of oil in tankers. And sometimes those go off the track. Remember that Quebec down town that was burned to the ground with a large loss of life? I live and work along a major east west RR track. Recently the local paper ran an article that stated that emergency officials are planning for WHEN not IF a fuel trains derails here.
    3. Bottomline I think I would rather take my chances with a stationary pipeline with moving oil than a train with everything moving.

  2. I would imagine their illogic goes something like this: Pipeline bad because it would dig up ground and disturb snakes, frogs, lizards and other progressive mascots. Train wrecks and oil spills o.k. because they further agenda to eliminate all economically viable energy sources in order to decimate economy and return earth to domain of dinasours and Neanderthals (founders of modern environmental wing of Democrat Party). Or something like that.

  3. Apparently it’s too much to ask for someone to just go away, quietly. Consider she won’t answer a yes or no question and everyone draws a blank when it comes to listing her accomplishments. How she hangs around is a mystery, it’s like being forced to watch a low budget movie over and over.. Make it stop or gouge my eyeballs out already.

  4. you are correct I forgot as an engineer I need to throw out any logic when it comes to dealing with the idiots on the left. Which is extremely hard for me to do, since the universe stands on my side and operates logically which is because it was designed and created by God.

  5. It’s not so much the pipeline as it’s the Alberta Oilsands they are trying to close down. Everytime oil drops a bit the oil in the oilsands becomes a little more expensive and less profitable to get out.of the ground. Having a pipeline makes the transport costs cheaper and provides a more reliable method to get it to refineries. Having the pipeline means they can stand a little more of a drop in price before they begin mothballing sites. that’s why so much US money came in to fund protests and lawyers. The money came from people heavily infested in “green energy” and they can’t compete fairly with oil/gas.

  6. As long as Warren Buffet’s throwing money around, XL won’t get built. BNSF makes about $2+ Billion / yr off of Canadian oil – and Buffet owns it.

    And Mrs. Clinton know it.

  7. Since building a pipeline is called “laying pipe”, I’m sure she and Bill both have an opinion on that, albeit from different perspectives.

    Oh, and who needs oil, when you never have to drive yourself…

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