The Lid: John McCain was a war hero. But he wasn’t a senate hero. At the end of his senate career, the Senator crapped all over his conservative colleagues like Senators Paul and Cruz. He disparaged Sarah Palin in his book saying he regretted not picking Joe Lieberman instead of her. He actually said that. Despite the fact that by that time he knew that Palin destroyed her political career by becoming his running mate. In one of his last acts as a senator, he changed his vote at the last minute and blocked the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. But McCain’s worst move of all was starting the process that became the Russia hoax. McCain started Russiagate
The liberal media is going crazy about the fake Atlantic story claiming that President Trump disparaged our military heroes. That story is so false that even John Bolton, Trump’s former national security advisor, said it was bull. Bolton hates the President for firing him and was with Trump when Atlantic claims the President made the anti-military comment.
Part of the Atlantic story claimed that Trump refused to honor John McCain when he passed away. In all probability, this part of the story is just as fake as the disparaging the troops tale. But Liberals are bemoaning that the Presiden may have said mean things about McCain. Truth be told, whether Trump said mean things about Senator McCain or not–he deserved it. more

He’s only a hero to the left.
Can’t believe I voted for him!
War hero? Tell that to the families of servicemen on The Forrestal.
Ole Juan looks like Mr. Burns in that picture.
Don’t even get me started on McStain. I will never forget the thumbs down he gave the American people, to get rid of Odumbo Care.
As far as a war hero goes, there were other prisoner’s there with him at the Hanoi Hilton that couldn’t stand him.
I’ve always said he should’ve had a D instead of an R in front of his name.
If I had been his Plane Captain when he was on the Forrestal he would’ve probably ended up killing me just like that fire and explosion killed his Plane Captain and over 140 other sailors on board the Forrestal. Like I’ve said before there are 2 Naval Officers I have no respect for, one is John McCain and the other is John effin Kerry. McCain was one lucky bastard after that Zuni missile hit his A-4 Skyhawk and blew it to pieces escaping only thru sheer luck. And then he ran and hid while his ship was burning down around him.
Ronny wanted this guy in jail! KEATING 5!@#!?!^$%
I have read enough accounts of McCain’s many years as a POW in North Vietnam to believe that he acted honorably under extremely difficult conditions. As a US Senator and a candidate for President, he was a hopeless, corrupt mess. His hatred of President Trump led him to turn his thumb down when his vote could have started fixing Obamacare. McCain was only too happy to pass along the Steele Dossier to Osmidgen’s Department of Justice and the FBI knowing it would get leaked to the MSDM. He and Harry Reid were Steele’s conduits and co-conspirators with Comey, Brennan and Obama-Obiden. He was no Barry Goldwater.
Only a liberal Sen kept John from the jail Ronny rightly said he deserved!’Bob the leftist Dole!
I am conservative
FUKC john mcstain! the mutherfukcer should burn in hell.
I was at the 96 Republican Convention in San Diego but I was rescuing at abortion clinics and protesting abortion in downtown San Diego with Operation Rescue at the time. Dole may have been an overall good guy (with some hesitation) but he would’ve been a place holder President at best and at worst a friggin RINO paving the way for another democrap president in 2000.
If you can’t say something good, say nothing at all.
McCain was always very good at being an Arrogant prick.
That’s about the best I could think of.
@geoff ~ not only that, but McShitStain abandoned ship after the incident & was awol while he ‘recuperated’ in a Japanese bath house
… guy was a slimeball even then
When your father is an Admiral you can get away with a lot of shit that most sailors can’t. I’m surprised he wasn’t getting some Filipino nookie in Olongapo City. Maybe he liked Japanese hookers better than Filipino hookers.
John was a fucking apple-head years and years ago. I saw him many times at the Capitol. He was lead around by a cadre of sycophants, not unlike the drunk Ted Kennedy, but it wasn’t because John was drunk, it was because he was an imbecile.
Didn’t he cause the detonation of a missile on the USS Forrestal by doing some Hot Dog bullshit called ‘wet starting’ his plane engine? Makes a huge flame off the back, which is cool as long as it doesn’t kill a bunch of your shipmates, and your Admiral Dad has to cover the whole thing up.
‘Johnny Wet-Start’
From the official Navy video I’ve seen he didn’t start the fire but it was an armed Zuni missile on another plane across the flight deck that was set off by a huffer (huffers start jet engines by forcing hot air into the jet intakes causing the plane to start), and the next thing you know the Zuni missile flew across the deck hitting McCain’s A-4 and blowing it to smithereens with McCain jumping down from his cockpit just as his plane exploded setting off an unfortunate chain of events that led to the Forrestal disaster. The whole thing was one giant clusterfuck and McCain didn’t help any with the aftermath of the explosion, he ran and hid away from the disaster on the flight deck of the Forrestal. If you’ve never seen the video it will scare the shit out of you, I saw it while attending firefighting school before I went out to sea on board the Kitty Hawk.
WHO liked McCAN’T to start with? 🤨
I voted for Chuck Baldwin for President in 2008! 🇺🇸
McShitstain– not a D, not a R. Simply a TT. Treasonous traitor.
Ok, that’s kind of redundant. But I like it.
He is not a jerk. He was a prick first class!!!!
geoff the aardvark: Thank you for that description of what caused the fire on the USS Forrestal. I’ve been reading both sides of this story for years. I’ve also heard both sides of his years as a POW. I don’t know for certain which of these sides is true, but I’m inclined to believe that McCain was a terrible pilot and a worse Senator. He was on the take when he got caught in the Keating scandal, and he would have been a real catastrophe as President (but still somewhat better than Ocorpsman). His behavior after Trump got elected really exposed McCain as the treacherous bastard that he was as a politician.
One of my Bell Plant School Instructors was a survivor of what he called “The USS Forest Fire”. He was a pole climbing instructor. He had a metal femur and could climb like a squirrel. He walked with a hitch and a swing. The kids made fun of his walk and Lou Forrester (strange coincidences), the junior pole instructor, went fucking nuclear. “How fucking dare you laugh at the way this man walks!”
Then he told the story of the Forrestal.
Lou was a badass in his own right. He was a Veteran and the only man in Bell who had no defective pairs in his Wire Center. None that anyone knew about, anyway.
Lou said, and he meant it, “You open a fucking splice you repair every defective pair in it.”
Wanted to spend quality time shittin’ over his grave but the line was too long.
McStain was
*DFL Dead Fucking Last in his class at Canoe U. He was what is still called The Goat
*McStain had numerous aerial fuckups preceding his ultimate shootdown over Vietnam. He was NOT a good pilot,let alone a Naval Aviator
*If his father and grandfather weren’t well known firebreathing fighting admirals, McShistain would’ve never even HEARD of Annapolis.
*My father was a graduate of Canoe U and naval aviator and upon our POWs coming back I clearly remember him saying McShitstain was a shitty pilot who couldn’t fly his way out of a wet paper bag.
*I voted for that hapless fucktard in Aught 8 because I got real drunk before going to the polling station and held my nose whilst pressing the button for ASSHOLE
Oh Yeah, I almost forgot McShitstains nightly missives with Greta vanSustren on Fox.
He’d wheeze out “Hi Greta….” and I would hit the Change Channel button as if I was a lab-rat hitting the food-pellet bar
Sarah Palin ~ only reason I voted for ShitStain
that & O’Biden Bama
It’s hot down there, isn’t it McCocksucker?
John McCain (NVA) Thank God i outlived one traitor at least
I put the blame on the father and the grandfather. Being admirals they should have known better than to cover this guy’s dirt from day one. I mean the very bottom of his class of about 900. His record hidden from view to this day. Four 40 million dollar planes toast, not counting the ship fire.
On and on he skated.
He was a low life from the start.
I’m a lifelong Arizonan and I lived through John McCain’s entire political career. It sucked. He sucked. He was a crooked little weasel who married a woman who was a multi millionaire. He left his first, long suffering wife and children to pursue a beautiful, rich woman half his age. Anybody remember the savings and loan scandal of the 80s. The little jerk was right in the middle of it. He couldn’t get along with Ronald Reagan, one of the finest men to occupy the White House. He sucked up to anybody that could do something for him. He stuck it to W. Bush every chance he got. He was a liar, a back stabbed and a cheater. I don’t care how long he was a POW. It did nothing to improve his character. Stop holding John McCain up as some kind of hero. He was nothing.
Trump sent AF One to carry John’s body to DC for a hero’s funeral!!
If that isn’t honoring the bastard, it’s at the least an extremely gracious act of honoring the family in their grief. A family who publicly told Trump Not to attend the funeral and actively maintains Hostility towards Trump as they deny John’s betrayals.
Dying was McCain’s sole positive achievement for his country.
….songbird McCain ….war hero? yeah right
John Mccain should have never been trusted.
He betrayed his first wife, his constituents, his political party, the President and his country.
As far as I’m concerned McCain should be exhumed and his stinking carcass should be dragged to a city dump and tossed among the rest of the garbage.
That’s sort of my thinking, gin blossom. I want him dug up so he can die again.
I’m with Toenex… if I have to fire somone for incompetence, I’m going to be directing some serious questions to the guy who hired him and if it’s a pattern he’s gone too!
True McCain: (with supporting links) — NEVER FORGET
▪ His plane was shot down over Viet Nam…. because he was ordered to break off the chase… and refused to obey orders.
▪ At the same time, both shoulders were broken… because he refused to follow instructions of how to protect self when ejecting from aircraft.. ( lack of medical treatment allowed the broken bones to heal as they are now… he was never tortured!)
▪ As soon as he was able to talk, he told his captors exactly who his Father and Grand-father is (was).
▪ He wasn’t given a choice for release. Congress feared the public learning of ‘special treatment’ and refused to have him released.
▪ There are (or was) pictures of him riding around in Hanoi with the prison camp commander… treated like a guest!
▪ After becoming a Senator, he prevented funds to find and rescue MIAs still being held in hidden prison camps.
▪ Showboating, McCAIN nearly sank U.S.S. Forrestal Aircraft Carrier, Killing 134 Sailors
▪ McCains entire life is nothing more than lies concocted to make him seem a hero.
Songbird McCain tapes found and released.
POW betrayal.
Meeting with known terrorists?
McCain funded by Soro’s since 2001?
I was recently made aware…..
On Nov. 11, 1992, Dolores Alfond, the sister of missing airman Capt. Victor Apodaca and chair of the National Alliance of Families, an organization of relatives of POW/MIAs, testified at one of the Senate committee’s public hearings. She asked for information about data the government had gathered from electronic devices used in a classified program known as PAVE SPIKE.
The devices were motion sensors, dropped by air, designed to pick up enemy troop movements. Shaped on one end like a spike with an electronic pod and antenna on top, they were designed to stick in the ground as they fell. Air Force planes would drop them along the Ho Chi Minh trail and other supply routes. The devices, though primarily sensors, also had rescue capabilities. Someone on the ground—a downed airman or a prisoner on a labor gang —could manually enter data into the sensor. All data were regularly collected electronically by U.S. planes flying overhead. Alfond stated, without any challenge or contradiction by the committee, that in 1974, a year after the supposedly complete return of prisoners, the gathered data showed that a person or people had manually entered into the sensors—as U.S. pilots had been trained to do—no less than 20 authenticator numbers that corresponded exactly to the classified authenticator numbers of 20 U.S. POWs who were lost in Laos. Alfond added, according to the transcript, “This PAVE SPIKE intelligence is seamless, but the committee has not discussed it or released what it knows about PAVE SPIKE.”
McCain attended that committee hearing specifically to confront Alfond because of her criticism of the panel’s work. He bellowed and berated her for quite a while. His face turning anger-pink, he accused her of “denigrating” his “patriotism.” The bullying had its effect—she began to cry.
After a pause Alfond recovered and tried to respond to his scorching tirade, but McCain simply turned away and stormed out of the room. The PAVE SPIKE file has never been declassified. We still don’t know anything about those 20 POWs.
1.) He graduated at the bottom of his class at the US Naval Academy.
2.) Crashed 4 planes during training, killing at least 1 instructor
3.) Blew up the aircraft carrier USS Forestal on his 1st mission, killing fellow sailors.
4.) Got shot down on his 2nd mission ( broke both his arms ejecting ).
5.) Confessed to the Viet Cong within days and got special treatment for 5 years.
6.) Information he revealed to the Viet Cong got 60% more American planes shot down.
7.) His Vietnamese captors nicknamed him “The Prince”.
8.) Divorced his disfigured first wife and married the mafia heir to the Anheuser Busch fortune.
9.) Cheated on his new wife with a lobbyist.
10.) Was implicated in the Keating Five Scandal costing taxpayers billions.
11.) Blocked the release of information about American POWs still in Vietnam for decades.
12.) Got caught over and over again posing with ISIS (al-Qaeda).
13.) Supports every single illegal war costing America TRILLIONS of dollars!
14.) Took money illegally from the Saudi Arabian government and George Soros.
15.) Stabbed President Trump in the back like a Manchurian candidate.
16.) Helped support and arm Neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
17.) Was behind the phony Russia dossier to sabotage President Trump (espionage).
Crooked as Hunter Biden and friend of Epstein.
mc s**t-stain(s), still sucking grobama d**k
McCain was no Military hero either as far as I’m concerned he was nothing but a crook from the very start.Can you say Keating Five boys and girls.This old bastard was a jerk and a no good S.O.B.What a sorry pos.
I served with McCain in ‘Nam… and he was a hated man. He also had a real taste for young… and I do mean YOUNG Asian girls. And any other man who served with him can cosign this fact.