People Noticed an Issue With Kamala’s Oprah Zoom Audience – IOTW Report

People Noticed an Issue With Kamala’s Oprah Zoom Audience

There appear to be duplicates in the Zoom audience, despite the fact that Oprah was talking about this great “grassroots” effort. 

8 Comments on People Noticed an Issue With Kamala’s Oprah Zoom Audience

  1. First thing I thot of when I saw that… oldest trick in the book.
    Evidentally they can’t even muster up a nation-wide audience as big as an 1/8th of a Trump rally!
    Yet the polls are even up!
    Hand me the phone, I’m calling BULLSHIT.

  2. I just can’t stand to watch her for a few seconds. And her voice is like a thousand nails on a chalkboard to my ears! So I can’t ’check’ out the zoom audience.

    Libs can’t seem to stop being run over by their own hipocracy. What a colossal hoax having a ‘zoom audience’. Talk about a waste of money!

  3. Zoom audience my ass. Picture audience more likely, and they couldn’t even find enough of those. This whole thing has been nothing but a fucking sham since the 2020 election.


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