People prone to drama are upset about the “Super Straight” – IOTW Report

People prone to drama are upset about the “Super Straight”

Furious LGBT Activists Get Checkmated by TikTok Users With a New Hilarious Sexuality Type.

According to the LGBT community, any choice in identity must be respected to the point of being revered. It can never be questioned or criticized. To be of any kind of sexuality makes one a higher being.

30 Comments on People prone to drama are upset about the “Super Straight”

  1. For those who are confused by gender, perhaps they should try milking a bull, That might kick-start their thinking process.
    In the life of a farmer, the animals with homosexual tendencies usually are the first that go to the butcher.

  2. Was this the first Super Straight coming out?

    I went up to this girl, she said, “Hi, my name is Sheena”
    I thought she’d be good to go with a little Funky Cold Medina
    She said, I’d like a drink, I said, “Ehm, ok, I’ll go get it”
    Then a couple sips, she cold licked her lips
    And I knew that she was with it

    So, I took her to my crib and everything went well as planned
    But when she got undressed, it was a big old mess, Sheena was a man
    So, I threw him out, I don’t fool around with no Oscar Meyer wiener
    You must be sure that the girl is pure for the Funky Cold Medina

    You know, ain’t no plans with a man
    This is the 80’s and I’m down with the ladies
    Break it down

  3. I’be been married to the same woman, well, for ever. Nothing gets me more excited than joining those interlocking parts. I feel sorry for the Libtards. OK, I’m lying. I want to shoot them in the face.

  4. i posted this on another story, but it seems more appropriate here.

    For the record, I am SS, as in LGBTQSS. My sexual orientation of choice in that alphabet soup is Super Straight in that, if i we’re not married, i would not date transgendered men who choose the sexual identity of a women. No, I am not transphobic. I totally accept all the transsexuals in the world into my diverse Intersectionality. Let’s go have a beer in the garden. It’s just as they are a marginalized minority, i, too, as a SS (Super Straight), I am also a marginalized minority by way of gender choice in that i only choose to be sexual with those biologically equipped at birth with a vagina. It’s my lot in life. I wish i were more poly-whatever, but the die was cast at my birth. Sorry. Please respect my sexual identity choice. My pronouns are he, him, his, and fxxx you.

  5. What we are talking about here, in general, is to throw their arguments back at them. It’ easy and fun. As in, “It’s Ok for ME to judge YOU, because I self-identify as a judge.”

    SS works the same way – very well.

  6. @DavidW asked, “If those who are attracted to the opposite gender are straight, what’s the opposite of that? “Twisted”? “Crooked?” Asking for a friend.”

    In C.S. Lewis’ book, Perelandra, he refers to “bent” people, as when a tool becomes bent, and so is less useful to the Craftsman. (Sorry, I don’t have my copy on hand, so I’m paraphrasing.) I believe that He can still use a bent person, and that they can become whole again. But, the tool has to want to. Until then, they live outside of His grace, and suffer the consequences. So, since there is still hope for them, we should continue to love (agape) them, as He loves us, even when we also sin.

  7. The Masai have a traditional rite of passage that to become a man, the teenager must have successful intercourse with a hole in the ground.

    I have no idea how this fits into the “LGBTQSS$%#@” community’s feigned outrage over any/no/thing. But it reeks of cis-normative masculinity.

    These people are truly sick – in more ways than one.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. There was briefly a r/superstraight reddit sub. It was hilarious but was shut down by reddit very quickly. Funnily enough, there were a lot of lesbian allies saying so called “transwomen” (aka autogynephilic men) creep on lesbians on their dating sites. There is just something so rape-y about men in dresses demanding sex from lesbians and straight men.

  9. Hey faux-women faggots, no actual heterosexual man wants to have sex with your XY chromosome diseased ass. And demanding they do is textbook sexual harassment, you filthy faggot womanhood stealing scumbags from Hell.


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