Pepperballs Charged with Assaulting Police – IOTW Report

Pepperballs Charged with Assaulting Police


A man caught on video taking a pepper ball to his groin during an anti-Trump protest in Phoenix this week was arrested after he allegedly kicked a tear gas canister at police.

Police arrested Joshua Cobin, 29, charging him with three counts of aggravated assault against police and one count of unlawful assembly, the Daily Mail reported.

Leftist protesters of President Trump’s rally in Phoenix Tuesday turned violent when they threw water bottles and rocks at police officers attempting to keep the peace.

Police responded to these acts of violence by spraying rubber bullets, pepper balls, pepper spray, and tear gas canisters to disperse the violent protesters.

Authorities say Cobin, wearing a gas mask, kicked one of those tear gas canisters back at police moments before he got hit in the groin with a pepper ball.

Police say Cobin admitted to the incident when he posted about it on social media before his arrest.  more here

14 Comments on Pepperballs Charged with Assaulting Police

  1. Poor little Joshua. He didn’t achieve true martyrdom status. Just got a nut whacking and a summons.
    His liberal mother must be so disappointed. She raised him right, but he’s a family fuck up. Father….well we can only guess on that. It isn’t worth the effort to research the family as we already know they’re dysfunctional no matter the construct. Who cares?

  2. 😠 KKK has the right to assemble
    😠 ANTIFA has the right to assemble

    ▪️ Just because we don’t like certain groups, doesn’t mean we can let the police IGNORE anarchists, and let the KKK get beaten.

    ▪️ Just because the obnoxious left-wing Vanilla ISIS wannabes, KICK A CAN back towards the police, does not constitute “assault” and worthy of 3 life-crushing felonies.

    One thing about the police, FBI, all law enforcement entirely is:
    1. They are not at all consistent.(33,000 deleted emails)
    2. They never use the right force for the right situation.

    The are supposed to separate and protect the KKK, they don’t. They are to disperse crowds, so they charge some guy with multiple felonies, the use guns when they should use tasers, they use tasers when they should use pepper spray, they use pepper spray when they should just call for back up, when they call for backup they should just settle the problem themselves, or just walk away and forget about it.

  3. That boy’s a slow learner. Fine him and send him home with a warning that if he does it again, he’ll come out with more than a bruise. Or maybe I should say “less than”.

  4. “Pepper Balls” Stars In one of The Year’s Best Videos !
    He’s also Now in The Nutter Budder Blast Hall Of Fame !
    I Wonder if He Even Remembers Why He Was There !!!

  5. Unlawful assembly? OK.
    Disorderly conduct? I wouldn’t argue.
    But three counts of aggravated assault on police for kicking a tear gas cannister back at a phalanx of combat geared-up cops with gas masks is contemptible and infuriating. Three heavy felony counts for contempt of cop is a gross abuse of govt power. Until now, I had no sympathy for Cobin, but this huge prosecutorial overkill has astonished me that I now DO have sympathy for the creep.

  6. When you consider just how fucked up the looney left is. Especially the jerk-offs in Hollywood.. I would not be surprised to see that asshole featured on dancing with the stars in the near future. you know.. with his new found dance moves.

  7. @ Uncle Al

    Beware of the police-state, they DO pick sides, THEIR side, all the time.

    Conservatives USED TO be for limited government, but somewhere in the mix, they choose SACRED COWS, mostly the bloated unregulated big union police forces, I have no idea why b/c they hate the right just as much as they do B.L.M.

    You throw a piece of paper at a cop and it’s “A DEADLY MISSILE!” You throw a balloon full of urine on them and it’s “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!” You feebly kick an aluminum canister towards them it’s “AGGRAVATED ASSAULT!” –fucking ridiculous man….

  8. @ Half-Assed Patriot

    I see you are a cop hater.

    Not convinced you’re even half a patriot.

    You used the word never. Never means not even once.

    Want to reconsider the hyperbole that not a single cop in all the land has ever used the right force, or are you sticking with that BS?

    You’re looking pretty stupid and hateful at the moment.

  9. I thought we had this all hashed out in the original article when this broke. @H.A.P., maybe a little catch up and you’ll get the general mood of the followers at this august site. Not many of us pearl-clutch like you do over this d-bag. You might be traveling in the wrong herd.

    Perp: “didn’t do nothin'” Cops: “you did the following…” Courts sort out which way and how much the scales tilt and it’s likely still a little early to break out fresh hankies for young Master Cobin. Few, other than his fellow travelers, will weep for him. He went girded for action and action he got. Now the piper demands his proverbial payment. Amount still undetermined.

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